Holder of a Master’s degree in sustainable architecture, currently a doctoral student in urban studies at the University of Quebec in Montreal, I have been perpetually passionate about architecture, urban planning and particularly heritage, my undergraduate studies focused on the design of new projects that meet sustainable development criteria. In my Master’s degree, I chose to specialize in sustainable rehabilitation of architectural and urban heritage to complete my curriculum and have a versatile academic background.

Project statement:

Sustainable requalification of port city interfaces in smaller cities by highlighting maritime built heritage: Comparative approach between the port cities of Quebec (Canada) and Brest (France).

The objective of our research is to use maritime heritage as a tool to describe the spatial organization of smaller port cities and to include them in a sustainable development logic. In order to determine the similarities and differences in development projects and the enhancement of maritime heritage, a comparative approach quickly emerged between the port city of Quebec and the port city of Brest in France.