XU Subin has received Ph.D. degrees from both Tianjin University and the University of Tokyo, specializing in the field of Architectural History and Preservation. She has worked in the past in numerous institutions, namely: as Lecturer at Tianjin University; Postdoctoral Fellow at Tsinghua University; Research Fellow at the Institute of Industrial Science and the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia of the University of Tokyo; Adjunct Lecturer of Tokyo Zokei University and Meiji University in Japan; Visiting Associate Professor of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Kyoto); Visiting professor at the Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne); and Adjunct Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is currently Chair Professor at the School of Architecture of Tianjin University, China.

She leads one of the highest-level national projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China namely “Conservation System Research for Modern Industrial Heritage in China”. And published series of five volumes books of Comprehensive Research on the Preservation of the Modern Urban Industrial Heritage in China in 2021.These series books won the Grand Prize of Chinese Think Tank Index in 2022.

Current project: Conservation System Research for Modern Industrial Heritage in China

China’s industrial transformation and land concessions since the 1980s have raised the question of where the industrial heritage of cities should go. In 2006, the “Wuxi Proposal – Focusing on the Protection of Industrial Heritage in a Period of Rapid Economic Development” officially kicked off the research and protection of China’s industrial heritage. The National Social Science Major Project “Research on the Protection System of Modern Industrial Heritage in China’s Cities” reports on the current development of China’s industrial heritage on a national scale and in a systematic manner. The report is divided into five components: Volume I: Research on China’s Industrial Modernization in an International Perspective, Volume II: Research on Industrial Heritage Information Collection and Management System, Volume III: Research on Industrial Heritage Value Assessment, Volume IV: Research on Industrial Heritage Conservation and Adaptive Reuse Planning and Design, and Volume V: Research from Industrial Heritage Conservation to Cultural Industry Transformation. In 2021, the five-volume report of the same name was published and with funding from the National Publication Fund.

Website: http://arch.tju.edu.cn/info/1185/3124.htm