Regional Verband Ruhr, the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR), generously opened two funds to DePOT’s research affiliates: one to support the publication, translation, and dissemination of deindustrialization-related literature, and one to support student research projects and initiatives. Thank you very much to RVR for their generous support and congratulations to the RVR fund winners for their wonderful projects.  

Publication Subsidy  

  • Steven High and Stefan Berger, to support the editing of The Politics of Industrial Closure (University of Toronto Press) – $3,000 
  • Steven High, Marion Fontaine, Lauren Laframboise, and Maria Beatriz Andreotti, to distribute recent publications of Labor History and Industrial Archaeology at DePOT’s 2024 Gender, Family, and Deindustrialization conference – $3,000  
  • Brian Rosa, for the publication of a bilingual book of photographs and essays derrived from his solo photographic exhibition at the Barcelona History Museum: Industrial Obelisks – $2,500 
  • Tim Strangleman et al, to hire a copy editor for the upcoming volume The Routledge Handbook on Deindustrialization Studies – $2,500  
  • Stefan Moitra, for English-language editing of an edited volume provisionally titled Futures in the History of Deindustrialization (Bologna University Press) – $2,500  
  • Indranil Chakraborty, for the distribution of copies of “Deindustrialization and Economic Restructuring in Post-Reform India” – $1,500 


Student-directed initiatives  

  • Katherine Watson, to support of a three-month research fellowship in San Crisobal de la Laguna with the Division of Social Sciences, Heritage and Food at the Institute of Natural Products and Agrobiology, Spanish National Research Council- $1460 
  • Bharat Sundararajan, to support fieldwork in Pondicherry and New Delhi for his PhD thesis “From textiles to tourism: Mill work, deindustrialization, and urban change in postcolonial Pondicherry”- $1,500 
  • Daniela Morales, to support fieldwork in Chile on the relationship between environmental regulation, environmental justice, and deindustrialization-related pollution – $1,500  
  • Lauren Laframboise, to support an event on the Immigrant Workers Centre’s Lamour campaign, following her and Stefan Christoff’s radio show – $1,500  
  • Shonagh Joice, to support her presentation at the World Conference of the International Federation for Public History at the University of Luxembourg (September 2024)  – $800  
  • Sinead Burns, to support her first post-PhD project “Buzz Logan’s Shankhill Road: Photography, Community, and Deindustrialization, c. 1965-1979” – $1464 

Thanks again to RVR for their continued partnership and support!