Dimitry Anastakis is the L.R. Wilson and R.J. Currie Chair in Canadian Business History at the University of Toronto in the Department of History and the Rotman School of Management. Professor Anastakis’s work addresses the intersection of business, the state and politics, and globalization, particularly in the post-1945 period in Canada. He has published eleven books and edited collections, including four books on aspects of the Canadian auto industry in North America. His most recent book, Dream Car: Malcolm Bricklin’s Fantastic Safety Vehicle-1, and the End of Industrial Modernity (Toronto: UTP, 2024), is written as an “open road” and includes a playlist.  He also co-edited Montreal’s Square Mile: The Making and Transformation of a Colonial Metropole (Toronto: UTP, 2024) and The North American Auto Sector since NAFTA (Toronto: UTP, 2024). Professor Anastakis is chair of the Canadian Business History Association, which he helped found, and is a Senior Fellow at Massey College and the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History. He is general editor of the Themes in Business and Society series from the University of Toronto Press.   

Email: dimitry.anastakis@utoronto.ca

Website: https://www.rotman.utoronto.ca/FacultyAndResearch/Faculty/FacultyBios/Anastakis