Latest Past Events

Gender, Family, and Deindustrialization — DePOT annual conference

Strathclyde University 40 George St (Graham Hills Building), Glasgow

In deindustrialization studies, representations of industrial closures have often dwelled on the ways that masculinity is threatened or reconfigured through the experience of job loss and on the erosion of collective ties and spaces linked to the world of work. Conversely, women have appeared only on the fringes of the literature on deindustrialization, sometimes in their capacities as […]

Depot Summer Institute: Difficult histories of gender and community

Queen's University Belfast

DePOT Summer Institutes bring together graduate students and postdoctoral fellows as well as select faculty and partners to workshop their latest research in a small supportive setting. Summer Institutes are timed to occur on the eve of the project’s thematic workshops and assembly in order to encourage participants to attend these as well. It is […]

Seeing from the South: Deindustrialization in Latin America and the Caribbean


This roundtable gathers scholars and practitioners from Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss the region's experiences and processes of deindustrialization. The panel discussion will examine various topics linked to deindustrialization, including industrial heritage, environmental waste, gender, political participation, and everyday life, among other issues. Register on Google Forms to get the Zoom link and receive […]