Fritz-Hüser-Institut für Literatur und Kultur der Arbeitswelt 

(Institut Fritz Hüser d’études littéraires et culturelles) 

En tant qu’établissement de recherche et de sensibilisation du public conservant de grandes archives et une vaste bibliothèque, l’Institut Fritz Hüser d’études littéraires et culturelles recueille et étudie l’imaginaire du travail : la littérature, l’art et la musique du 18e au 21e siècle dans les pays germanophones. Nous nous penchons sur la littérature écrite aux 19e, 20e et 21e siècles et sur les pratiques culturelles de la classe ouvrière. Dans nos recherches, nos collections et nos activités de sensibilisation, nous nous adressons aux chercheurs établis, aux étudiants des cycles supérieurs et aux stagiaires postdoctoraux, ainsi qu’au grand public.

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Iuditha Balint is the director of the Fritz Hüser Institute for Literary and Cultural Labour Studies in Dortmund, Germany, and holds a PhD in German Studies and Media Aesthetics. She is also a member of the Literature Commission for Westphalia. Before starting her current position in 2018 she was a postdoc and research coordinator of the Graduate School »Work and its Subjects. Media Discourses since 1960« (»Die Arbeit und ihre Subjekte. Mediale Diskursivierungen seit 1960«) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. From 2010 to 2015 she was a doctoral student and researcher at the University of Mannheim. 

Before studying in Germany, she lived in Sighișoara, one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Romania, and worked as a teacher in a Hungarian-Romanian speaking kindergarten. 

Her research interests lie in literary and cultural labour studies, literary economics, theories of metaphor, historical semantics, and the history of concepts. She has published extensively on the dissolving boundaries of work and leisure, and on subjectivations of work in the 18th and 21th century in fictional and non-fictional narrations. More recent publications include Erzählte Entgrenzungen. Narrationen von Arbeit zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts (2017), Opus und labor. Arbeit in autobiographischen und biographischen Erzählungen (co-ed. with Katharina Lammers, Kerstin Wilhelms and Thomas Wortmann, 2018), Goethe und die Arbeit (co-ed. with Miriam Albracht and Frank Weiher, 2018), Arbeit am Text (ed., 2020), Brotjobs & Literatur (co-ed. with Julia Dathe, Kathrin Schadt and Christoph Wenzel, 2021). Currently she is working on a monograph on literary economics, and trying to make cultural studies and literature accessible for the wider public. 

