DePOT is thrilled to share a PhD opportunity working with Prof. Sean O’Connell based at Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland. The purpose of this PhD position is to seek to understand the gendered and embodied dimensions of deindustrialization and its legacies. In deindustrialization studies, gender has been considered primarily in terms of masculinity. Representations of industrial closures have often dwelled on the ways in which masculinity is threatened or reconfigured through the experience of job loss and on the erosion of collective ties and spaces linked to the world of work. Conversely, women have appeared only on the fringes of the literature on deindustrialization, sometimes in their capacities as wives, but increasingly also as displaced workers in their own right. This PhD will contribute to setting a new research agenda for the field by focusing on the nexus of family, gender and work, in the context of any of DePOT’s thematic initiatives. The research will deploy oral history extensively and draw upon records at PRONI and other relevant archives and sources. 

This PhD studentship offers an opportunity for a student to develop a thesis around the broad theme of Gender and the cultural politics of deindustrialization in Northern Ireland. There will be flexibility for the successful student to tailor the research to their own research interests if this is appropriate. The PhD project should develop a Northern Ireland focused case study that examines any one of the core themes explored by the DePOT collective. The research student will become an associate member of a research team spanning Europe and North America. The primary supervisor will be Professor Sean O’Connell (QUB). The student will also benefit from the help and advice (via annual project symposia) of the 24 academics scholars who are part of the collective. Applications will be welcomed that focus on any element of the DePOT’s core research areas, although a commitment to analysing gender must be part of the focus. This studentship is funded by the DfE, and open to UK candidates (or those with three year’s residence within the UK).

To discuss an application contact:
Professor Sean O’Connell 


For more information, visit the Queen’s University Belfast official posting at the following link: