Pascal Raggi co-edited an issue of the humanities journal Émulations: Émulations, no. 43-44 (2023), with Fabien Knittel and Nadège Mariotti entitled: “Aux champs, à l’atelier et à la mine. Expériences du travail hors de l’usine, entre mondes ruraux et urbains (XIXe-XXIe siècles).”
As the special issue’s abstract reads, “Thinking about and studying work in contemporary history often involves investigating the heart of the concentrated factory. But the concentrated urban factory is not the only place where work takes place. Craft or industrial work exists in the countryside as much as in the city, in the field as much as in the workshop or mine. It is this work outside the factory that interests us in this special issue, which provides an opportunity for a chronological extension of the investigations into the worlds of work on the fringes of rural and urban areas in recent periods, while at the same time extending or renewing the work already undertaken on the nineteenth century. In the workshop, in the fields, in the home, in the mine, using old skills in conjunction with new techniques adapted to their environment, the men and women living in rural worlds have had individual and collective experiences of their occupations that the articles in this issue of Émulations help to shed light on.”
The issue’s conclusion featured a conversation with Xavier Vigna, another DePOT project affiliate. You can have a look at the special issue’s table of content and access it here.