Using our 2023 conference as a starting point, DePOT research affiliate Guillaume Tremblay-Boily wrote about deindustrialization’s social impacts on Québecois communities and how they can be mitigated on the Institut de recherche et d’information socioéconomiques (IRIS) blog. You can read Guillaume’s reflections here.
About IRIS: “The Institut de recherche et d’informations socioéconomiques is an independent, non-profit organisation founded in 2000. We analyse Quebec’s public policies and economy with a view to providing the tools needed to better understand and transform them. Our aim is to help build a just and democratic society that respects the planet’s limits. Through our publications, media appearances and training, we offer a progressive perspective on the major issues of the day, such as the management of public finances, the commodification of education and health, the fight against poverty and inequality, access to housing and the ecological crisis.”