The Canada Urban Research Chair is dedicated to knowledge of the built environment and to understanding the issues and means of its protection. It studies heritage and its future from the perspectives of local development, collective representations and public policies, both historically and from a decision-making perspective.

Created in 2001 at the instigation of Professor Luc Noppen and directed since 2015 by its new director, Lucie K. Morisset, the Chair supports research on the processes and mechanisms that contribute to the creation of heritage and its interweaving into collective identities. It also aims to contribute to the renewal of theories and practices of heritage, based on a differentiated understanding of the concepts that support them in various post-industrial and post-colonial contexts.

Heritage gives us the image of the city we aspire to build: what we want to keep of what we are, in order to continue to be tomorrow. It is this heritage, a societal project, that the Canada Research Chair in Urban Heritage intends to decipher, update and help design, by reconciling heritage and its management, whether from the perspective of urban planning, tourism or history. The Chair focuses on transdisciplinary and vertical integration of research through numerous partnerships with the community and active support for early career researchers and future practitioners and thinkers of the city.