Oral History Interview Archival Inventories
These reports compile oral history interview collections related to deindustrialization in DePOT’s main study areas. They bring together collections from libraries, archives, museums, and educational institutions, and are intended to support research into the lived experiences of deindustrialization, as well as encouraging the use of existing oral history collections in future research. Please feel free to use these reports as resources in teaching, research, and any other relevant contexts. They are free to download at the links below.
Ferns, James Patrick. “UK Oral History Interview Archival Inventory,” DePOT Occasional Reports Series. Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time, 2021.
Ellison-Scowcroft, Gabriel. “US Oral History Interview Archival Inventory,” DePOT Occasional Reports Series. Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time, 2021.

Avoseh, Timothy Mauton. “Deindustrialization, and Industrial and Economic Restructuring in Africa: An Annotated Bibliography.” DePOT Occasional Reports Series. Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time. 2024.
The publications below were shared by DePOT’s members. To see the full list, consult DePOT’s annual reports.
Graduate theses
- Burrill, Fred. “History, Memory, and Struggle in Saint-Henri, Montreal.” PhD Dissertation, Concordia, 2021
- Donais De Waele, Eric. “La communauté de Thetford Mines et le Québec face aux problèmes économiques reliés à l’industrie de l’amiante, 1964-1987″ Mémoire. Montréal (Québec, Canada), Université du Québec à Montréal, Maîtrise en histoire, 2021.
- Ferns, James Patrick (2022) “‘We were all scattered to the four winds’: Work, Identity, and Deindustrialisation in Post-War Scotland.” PhD thesis. University of Strathclyde.
- Laframboise, Lauren. “Gendered labour, immigration, and deindustrialization in Montreal’s garment industry”, MA Thesis, Department of History, Concordia University. July 2021.
- Tremblay-Boily, Guillaume (2022) Le virage vers la classe ouvrière : L’implantation et l’engagement des marxistes-léninistes québécois·es en milieu de travail. PhD thesis, Concordia University.
Books, book chapters, and edited volumes
Berger, Stefan, Sean Calmer and Christian Wicke, editors. Remembering Social Movements: Activism and Memory. Abingdon: Routledge, 2021.
Farrenkopf, Michael and Torsten Meyer, editors. Authentizität und industriekulturelles Erbe: Zugänge und Beispiele. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 238; Schriften des Montanhistorischen Dokumentationszentrums 39. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020.
Farrenkopf, Michael and Stefan Siemer, editors. Perspektiven des Bergbauerbes im Museum: Vernetzung, Digitalisierung, Forschung. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 235; Schriften des Montanhistorischen Dokumentationszentrums 37. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020.
Mah, Alice and Thom Davies, editors. Toxic Truths: Environmental Justice and Citizen Science in a Post-Truth Age. Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 2020.
Strangleman, Tim, Michele Fazio and Christie Launius, editors. Routledge International Handbook of Working-Class Studies. Oxford: Routledge, 2021.
Book chapters
Berger, Stefan and Jana Golombek. “Memory, Culture and Identity Constructions in the Ruhr Valley in Germany.” In Constructing Industrial Pasts: Heritage, Historical Culture and Identity in Regions Undergoing Structural Economic Transformation, edited by Stefan Berger. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020.
Berger, Stefan, Jana Golombek, and Christian Wicke. “Industrial heritage in the Ruhr cities.” In Polycentric city regions in transformation: The Ruhr agglomeration in international perspective, 147-158. Münster, 2020.
- Clark, Andy and Alistair Fraser. “Damaged hardmen: Organized crime and the half-life of deindustrialization.” The British Journal of Sociology 72, no. 4 (2021): 1062-1076.
- Clark, Andy. “’There is nothing there for us and nothing for the future’: Deindustrialization and workplace occupation, 1981-1982.” Labour History Review 86, no. 1 (2021): 37-61.
- Clark, Andy. “Workplace occupations in British labour history: Rise, fall, and historical legacies.” Labour History Review 86, no. 1 (2021): 1-6.
Dolata, Petra. “Sustainability in the Anthropocene: From Forests to the Globe.” In Right Research: Modelling Sustainable Research Practices in the Anthropocene, edited by Geoffrey Rockwell, Chelsea Miya and Oliver Rossier, 37-59. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2021.
- Dolata, Petra. “Women and Energy in the Ruhr Area of West Germany, 1950s–1980s.” RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society 2020, no. 1 (2020): 51-55.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “Auslauf einer Branche – Eine Zäsur als Authentisierungsinstanz für das archivierte Bergbauerbe?” In Logik und Lücke. Die Konstruktion des Authentischen in Archiven und Sammlungen, edited by Michael Farrenkopf, Andreas Ludwig, and Achim Saupe, 237-256. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2021.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “Das materielle Kulturerbe des Steinkohlenbergbaus – Strategien aus der Sicht des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums Bochum.” In Perspektiven des Bergbauerbes im Museum: Vernetzung, Digitalisierung, Forschung, edited by Michael Farrenkopf and Stefan Siemer, 13-34. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 235; Schriften des Montanhistorischen Dokumentationszentrums 37. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “From mining region to industrial heritage – 50 years of documentation, protection, and management in the Ruhr Area, Germany.” In Lebenswerk Welterbe. Aspekte von Industriekultur und Industriearchäologie, von Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte. Festschrift für Helmuth Albrecht zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Norman Pohl, Michael Farrenkopf, and Friederike Hansell, 193-204. Berlin: GNT-Verlag, 2020.
Farrenkopf, Michael and Stefan Siemer. “‘Getrenntes Bewahren – Gemeinsame Verantwortung’: Der Aufbau eines Informationszentrums für das Erbe des deutschen Steinkohlenbergbaus.” In Museen – Orte des Authentischen? | Museums – Places of Authenticity? edited by Dominik Kimmel and Stefan Brüggerhoff, 171-177. Beiträge internationaler Fachtagungen des Leibniz-Forschungsverbundes Historische Authentizität in Mainz und Cambridge, Mainz 2020 (RGZM – Tagungen, Bd. 42). Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2020.
- Farrenkopf, Michael and Michael Ganzelewski. “Glück auf! Bergbau sammeln und bewahren in Zeiten des ‘Nachbergbaus.’” Museumskunde. Fachzeitschrift für die Museumswelt 85, no. 2 (2020): 92-97.
- Farrenkopf, Michael, Michael Ganzelewski and Stefan Przigoda. “Vom Erbe des deutschen Steinkohlenbergbaus zum mining heritage. Das Projekt ‘Getrenntes Bewahren – Gemeinsame Verantwortung’ als Basis einer Strategie des montan.dok im 21. Jahrhundert.” In Bergbausammlungen in Deutschland. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, edited by Michael Farrenkopf and Stefan Siemer, 3-118. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 233; Schriften des Montanhistorischen Dokumentationszentrums 36. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “‘… zwischen Tradition und Moderne.’ Das Deutsche Bergbau-Museum Bochum in der ‘Nachbergbauzeit’.” Das Ruhrgebiet neu ausgestellt. 8. Geschichtskonvent Ruhr, 11. Oktober 2019. Forum Geschichtskultur Ruhr 2020, no. 1 (2020), 8-9.
Ferns, James P. “‘The Iron Lady? She devastated the country’: Former Scottish Steelworkers Narratives of Unions, Community and Thatcherism.” In Thatcherism in the 21st Century: The Social and Cultural Legacy, edited by Anthony Mullen, Stephen Farrall and David Jeffery, 117-138. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Fontaine, Marion. “‘Between Dream and Nightmare: Political Conventions of the Industrial Past in the North of France.” In Constructing Industrial Pasts: Heritage, Historical Culture and Identity in Regions Undergoing Structural Economic Transformation, edited by Stefan Berger. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020.
Garruccio, Roberta. “‘Hardly a Cause for Tears’: Job Insecurity and Occupational Psychology Culture in Italy – Oral Narratives from the Falck Steelworks in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan).” In Constructing Industrial Pasts: Heritage, Historical Culture and Identity in Regions Undergoing Structural Economic Transformation, edited by Stefan Berger. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020.
- Golombek, Jana. “Geschichte in Schildern. Die Route Industriekultur als Public History?” Forum Geschichtskultur Ruhr 11, no. 1 (2021): 29-31.
Golombek, Jana. “Performing Heritage – Urban Exploration und Rust Belt Chic als jüngere Phänomene einer authentischen Industriekultur im amerikanischen Rust Belt?” In Authentizität und industriekulturelle Erbe, edited by Michael Farrenkopf and Torsten Meyer, 105-130. München: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020.
- Henry, Marion. “Des coulisses à la scène: la féminisation des brass bands dans les bassins miniers britanniques (1947-1984).” Le Mouvement Social 274 (2021): 119135.
- High, Steven. “Alessandro Portelli : une vie passée à écouter. Entretien avec Steven High.” Le Mouvement Social 274 (2021): 211-223.
- High, Steven. “Histoire orale et désindustrialisation : recension critique.” Le Mouvement Social 274 (2021).
- High, Steven, Alexandra Mills and Désirée Rochat. “Telling Stories from Montreal’s Negro Community Centre Fonds: The Archives as Community-Engaged Classroom.” Archivaria 89 (Spring 2020): 34-67.
- High, Steven. “The ‘Normalized Quiet of Unseen Power’: Recognizing the Structural Violence of Deindustrialization as Loss.” Urban History Review 48, no. 2 (2021): 97-115.
- High, Steven, Laura Madokoro and Laura Ishuguro. “Loss and the City: A Special Issue,” Urban History Review 48, no. 2 (2021).
High, Steven. “Deindustrialization and Its Consequences.” In Routledge International Handbook of Working-Class Studies, edited by Michele Fazio, Tim Strangleman and Christie Launius. London: Routledge, 2020.
- Laframboise, Lauren. “Gendered labour, immigration, and deindustrialization in Montreal’s garment industry.” Master’s Thesis, Department of History, Concordia University, July 2021.
Mackinnon, Lachlan and Steven High. “Deindustrialization.” In The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas, edited by Olaf Kaltmeier, Anne Tittor, Daniel Hawkins and Eleonora Rohland. London: Routledge, 2020.
Mah, Alice. “Toxic Legacies and Environmental Justice.” In Environmental Justice: Key Concepts, edited by Brendan Coolsaet. New York and London: Routledge, 2020.
- McIvor, Arthur. “Oral Narratives of Labour and Loss in Scottish Mining and Manufacturing.” In “(Post)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change,” edited by Stefan Moitra and Katarzyna Nogueira, special issue, Bios. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 31, no. 2 (2020): 8-21.
McIvor, Arthur. “Where is ‘Red Clydeside’? Industrial Heritage, Working Class Culture and Memory in the Glasgow Region.” In Constructing Industrial Pasts: Heritage, Historical Culture and Identity in Regions Undergoing Structural Economic Transformation, edited by Berger, Stefan. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020.
- McIvor, Arthur. “Working-class Studies, Oral History, and Industrial Illness.” In Routledge International Handbook of Working-Class Studies, edited by Michele Fazio, Tim Strangleman and Christie Launius. London: Routledge, 2020.
- Moitra, Stefan and Katarzyna Nogueira. “Introduction.” In “(Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change,” edited by Stefan Moitra and Katarzyna Nogueira, special issue, Bios. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 31, no. 2 (2020): 3-7.
- Moitra, Stefan, George Steve Jaramillo, Melinda Harlov-Csortán and Roberta Garruccio. “Historical Cultures Under Conditions of Deindustrialization Working Group Report.” International Labor and Working-Class History 97 (2020): 180-184.
- Moitra, Stefan and Katatzyna Nogueira, editors. “(Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change,” special issue, Bios. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 31, no. 2 (2020).
- Moitra, Stefan. “Winning or Losing? German Pit Closure and the Ambiguities of Memory.” In “(Post)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change,” edited by Stefan Moitra and Katarzyna Nogueira, special issue, Bios. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 31, no. 2 (2020): 37-52.
Morisset, Lucie K. “Del Lavoro al Territorio.” In Architetture del lavoro. Città e paesaggio del patrimonio industriale, edited by Giovanni Luigi Fontana and Antoni Gritti, 12-17. Milan: Forma Edizioni, 2020.
- Nogueira, Katarzyna. “‘Guest Workers’ in Mining. Historicising the Industrial Past in the Ruhr region from the Bottom Up?” In “(Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change,” edited by Stefan Moitra and Katarzyna Nogueira, special issue, Bios. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 31, no. 2 (2020): 81-92.
Nogueira, Katarzyna. “Zwischen Authentizität und Inszenierung: Oral History und die Zeitzeugenschaft des Ruhrbergbaus.” In Authentizität und industriekulturelle Erbe, edited by Michael Farrenkopf and Torsten Meyer, 171-192. München: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020.
Orange, Hilary. “Cornish Mining Heritage and Cornish Identity: Images, Representation and Narratives.” In Constructing Industrial Pasts: Heritage, Historical Culture and Identity in Regions Undergoing Structural Economic Transformation, edited by Stefan Berger. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020.
- MacKenzie, Niall, Andrew Perchard, Christopher Millar and Neil Forbes. “Business-Government relations and national economic models: how do varieties of capitalism develop over time? A review and future research directions in Varieties of Capitalism and beyond.” Business History 63, no. 8 (2021): 1239-1252. DOI:10.1080/00076791.2021.1924687
- Gildart, Keith, Andrew Perchard, Ben Curtis and Grace Millar. “Revisiting the history of the British coal industry: the politics of legacy, memory and heritage.” Wased RILAS Journal 8 (2020): 407411.
Raggi, Pascal. Préface, “L’éclatement du monde ouvrier, son invisibilité croissante brouillent les pistes.” In 20% Profils ouvriers, edited by Olivier Toussaint, 3-5. Plesnois: Éditions La Paulette, 2020.
- Raggi, Pascal. “Die lange Stahlkrise in Lothringen (1974 – 2014).” In Die Strukturkrise an der Saar und ihr langer Schatten, edited by Hans-Christian Hermann, 185-208. St. Ingbert: Conte Verlag, 2020.
- Raggi, Pascal. “Les syndicats et la violence issue du monde professionnel.” In Violences politiques en France de 1986 à nos jours, edited by Isabelle Sommier and François Audigier, 109-134. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2021.
Rhodes, Eric Michael and Jacob Bruggeman. “From Crass Materialists to Missionaries of Culture: A Regional History of Cultural Ascendance and Economic Decline through the Cleveland Orchestra.” In Where East Meets (Mid)West: Exploring a Regional Divide, edited by Jon Lauck and Gleaves Whitney. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2021. (Forthcoming).
- Strangleman, Tim. “Introduction” ; “Conclusion.” In Routledge International Handbook of Working-Class Studies, edited by Michele Fazio, Christie Launius and Tim Strangleman, 201-212. Oxford: Routledge, 2021.
- Strangleman, Tim. “Work & Community” section introduction. In Routledge International Handbook of Working-Class Studies, edited by Michele Fazio, Christie Launius and Tim Strangleman. Oxford: Routledge, 2021.
- Strangleman, Tim. “Working Class Cultures” section introduction. In Routledge International Handbook of Working-Class Studies, edited by Michele Fazio, Christie Launius and Tim Strangleman. Oxford: Routledge, 2021.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Il lavoro nella rivoluzione deindustriale.” Imprese e storia 2021, no. 2. (Forthcoming)
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Deindustrializzazione e industrial heritage. Approcci convergenti alla memoria del passato industriale.” Italia contemporanea 292 (2020): 117-143.
Zazzara, Gilda. “Desindustrialización y mito obrero: senderos de la memoria en Porto Marghera (Venecia).” In Memoria, historia e identidad en contextos de desindustrialización. Una perspectiva comparada, edited by Ruben Vega Garcia. Gijón, Asturias: Ediciones Trea, 2021.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Studiare la fabbrica dopo la città industriale.” La nostra città futura, Fondazione Feltrinelli di Milano. 11 February 2021.
- Bigatti, Giorgio, B. Pirelli. “Gli spazi del lavoro, il quartiere e le sue trasformazioni” in Il Campus Bicocca. Storia passata e nuova vita degli edifici dell’Ateneo, a cura di Giampaolo Nuvolati. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2022.
- Burns, Sinead. Upcoming chapter in the edited collection ‘Picturing Postindustrialism’, editors Francis Guerin (University of Kent) and Magda Szczesniak (University of Warsaw).
- Dolata, Petra. “Complex Agency in the Great Acceleration: Women and Energy Transition in the Ruhr Area after 1945.” In A New Light: Histories of Women and Energy, edited by Abigail Harrison and Ruth Sandwell, 155–73. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021.
- Orange, Hillary. “Uneven Surfaces: Bodily Encounters with the Postindustrial Wild.” In Transcending the Nostalgic: Landscapes of Postindustrial Europe beyond Representation, edited by George S. Jaramillo and Juliane Tomann, 43–63. Oxford: Berghahn, 2021.
- Orange, Hillary. “The Fires Are Dead. Long Live LED: Industrial Heritage and Light Art in the Ruhr Region.” In Shaped by Steel: Landscapes, Lives and Legacies of a Global Industry, edited by Louise Miskell and Almond, 132–38. Swansea: University of Swansea Press, 2021.
- Makin-Waite, Mike. On Burnley Road: Class, Race and Politics in a Northern English Town. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 2021.
- Mah, Alice. Plastic Unlimited: How Corporations Are Fuelling the Ecological Crisis and What We Can Do About It. Cambridge: Polity Press 2022.
- Nogueira, Katarzyna. “Und dann kann man uns begucken, als verflossene Wirklichkeit.« – Oral History und Zeitzeugenschaft des Ruhrbergbaus”. In Leben in der Arbeitslandschaft. Leiden: Brill, Fink, 2021.
- Pattison, James. Emery, J., Jackson, L., Pattison, J., Simpson, K. and N. Thomlinson. (forthcoming) “School legacies in the former coalfields: Education, deindustrialization and collective remembering” Education, Work and Social Change in Britain’s Former Coalfield Communities, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan (Forthcoming 2022)
- Strangleman, Tim. “Contextualising the Coalfields: Mapping the Socio-Economic and Cultural Loss of the Coal Industry,” in In the Shadow of Coal, Palgrave (Forthcoming 2022).
- Vigna, Xavier. Histoire de la société française, 1968-1995. Paris : La Découverte, coll., 2021.
- Vigna, Xavier. « Quand la désindustrialisation sape un pays. » Dans Le nouveau monde : Tableau de la France néolibérale, direction Antony Burlaud, Allan Popelard et Grégory Rzepski, 269-278. Paris : Éditions Amsterdam, 2021.
- Albrecht, Helmuth, Michael Farrenkopf and Torsten Meyer. (eds.) Der Umgang mit den Denkmalen des Braunkohlenbergbaus. Halle/Saale, 2023.
- Albrecht, Helmuth, Michael Farrenkopf and Torsten Meyer. (eds). Bergbau und Umwelt in DDR und BRD. Praktiken der Umweltpolitik und Rekultivierung, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2022.
- Berger, Stefan. History and Identity. How Historical Theory Shapes Historical Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
- Clark, Andy. Fighting Deindustrialisation: Scottish Women’s Factory Occupations. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2022.
- Farrenkopf, Michael, and Regina Göschl (eds.) Gras drüber… Bergbau und Umwelt im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums Bochum im Jahr 2022. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2022.
- High, Steven. Deindustrializing Montreal: Entangled Histories of Race, Residence and Class. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
- Morisset, L.K. Les maisons d’Arvida. Saguenay/Patrimonium, 2022.
- Pozzer, Guilhermo. Palavras em Ruínas. Astrolábio Edições, 2022.
- Sbrana, Filippo. Nord Contro Sudo: La grande frattura dell’Italia repubblicana. Maggio, 2023
Book chapters
- Albrecht, Helmuth, Michael Farrenkopf and Torsten Meyer. (eds). Vorwort, in: Bergbau und Umwelt in DDR und BRD. Praktiken der Umweltpolitik und Rekultivierung. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2022.
- Stefan Berger, Wolfgang Jäger, Ulf Teichmann, ‘Erinnerungsgeschichte sozialer Demokratie‘, in: Stefan Berger, Wolfgang Jäger, Ulf Teichmann (eds), Gewerkschaften im Gedächtnis der Demokratie. Welche Rolle spielen soziale Kämpfe in der Erinnerungskultur?, Bielefeld: transcript, 2022, pp. 13 – 42.
- Berger, Stefan. “Deindustrialized Spaces” in The Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism, edited by Yifat Gutman and Jenny Wüstenberg (eds), 253-258. London: Routledge, 2023.
- Berger, Stefan and Ute Eickelkamp. “Fluss der Versöhnung? Reflexionen zur Renaturierung der Emscher als Element der Vergangenheitsbewältigung des Ruhrgebiets,” in Emscher 2021 +: Die neue Emscher kommt – sozial-ökologischer Umbau einer regionalen Stadtlandschaft, edited by Uli Paetzel, Dieter Nellen und Stefan Siedentop, 46-50. Berlin: jovis, 2022.
- Berger, Stefan. “Strukturwandel und Bildung: die Herausbildung eines Wissensregimes im Ruhrgebiet,” in Bildung@Stadt_Bauten_Ruhr, edited by Hans-Jürgen Lechtreck, Wolfgang Sonne und Barbara Welzel, 44-67. Dortmund: Kettler, 2022.
- Berger, Stefan. “Re-using Industrial Sites in the Ruhr: Agendas and Developments” in Deindustrialization in Twentieth-Century Europe: the Northwest of Italy and the Ruhr Region in Comparison, edited by Stefan Berger, Christian Wicke and Stefano Musso, 383-414. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022.
- Emery, Jay, James Pattison, Kat Simpson, Natalie Thomlinson, and Lucy Jackson. “Practices and Negotiations of Belonging in Deindustrialising Coalfields: Navigating School, Education, and Memory Through a Time of Transformation,” in Kat Simpson and Robin Simmons (Eds.) Education, Work and Social Change in Britain’s Former Coalfield Communities: The Ghost of Coal. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022.
- Farrenkopf, Michael: „Erkenntnisse zutage fördern“. Zur Musealisierung des Braunkohlenbergbaus in Deutschland, in Der Umgang mit den Denkmalen des Braunkohlenbergbaus, eds. Helmuth Albrecht, Michael Farrenkopf, and Torsten Meyer, 16-35. Halle/Saale 2023.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “Material cultures of mining – introductory remarks,” in Materielle Kulturen des Bergbaus | Material Cultures of Mining. Zugänge, Aspekte und Beispiele | Approaches, aspects and examples, edited by Michael Farrenkopf and Stefan Siemer, 3-12. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2022.
- Farrenkopf, Michael and Torsten Meyer. “Stillgelegt – Aspekte der Musealisierung des deutschen Braunkohlenbergbaus vornehmlich in den ostdeutschen Revieren” in Alte Dinge – Neue Werte. Musealisierung und Inwertsetzung von Objekten, eds Michael Farrenkopf, Katerina Filippidou, Torsten Meyer, Stefan Przigoda, Achim Saupe, and Tobias Schade, 89-110. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “Run auf die Objekte!? Das gemeinsame Erforschen und Sammeln von Bergbauobjekten zwischen Plädoyer und Praxis,” in Materielle Kulturen des Bergbaus | Material Cultures of Mining. Zugänge, Aspekte und Beispiele | Approaches, aspects and examples, eds Michael Farrenkopf and Stefan Siemer, 35-54. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2022.
- High, Steven. “Towards a Transnational and Comparative History of Deindustrialization” in Stefan Berger, Stefano Musso and Christian Wicke, eds. Experiencing and Managing Deindustrialisation: the North-West of Italy and the Ruhr Region in Germany. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
- High, Steven. “Climbing the ‘Ladder of Success’: Family, Labour Mobility, and Anti-Black Racism in 20th Century Montreal,” in Barbara Neis, Christina Murray and Nora Spinks, eds. Families, Mobility and Work. St. John’s: Memorial University Press, 2022.
- Moitra, Stefan. “Entre la mirada documental y el flashback. El fin cinematográfico de la cuenca del Ruhr como región del carbón y del acero,” in Desindustrialización: memoria, patrimonio y representaciones, eds. Ruben Vega and Irene Diaz, 499-516. Gijon, 2022.
- Moitra, Stefan. “The People’s Memories? Oral Histories of Industry in the Deindustrializing Ruhr.” In Deindustrialization in Twentieth-Century Europe. The North-West of Italy and the Ruhr Region in Comparison, edited by Stefan Berger, Stefano Musso, and Christian Wicke, 79-110. London, 2022.
- Petropoulos, Naomi. Pending Publication – Industrial Closure Volume – ‘Deindustrialization and the North Atlantic Textile Industry: Gender and the Struggle for Survival in a Globalizing Economy’ (with Rebekah Chatellier and Lauren Laframboise)
- Perrin, Eliot. “From Labour Welfarism to Labour Precarity: A transnational story of the Bata Shoe Company” with Beatriz Andreotti and Indranil Chakraborty, in Industrial Closure, University of Toronto Press – Forthcoming 2024
- Chatellier, Rebekah, Lauren Laframboise, and Naomi Petropoulos. “Deindustrialization and the North Atlantic Textile Industry: Gender and the Struggle for Survival in a Globalizing Economy” in Industrial Closure, University of Toronto Press – Forthcoming 2024
- Strangleman, Tim. (2022) “Contextualising the Coalfields: Mapping the Socio-Economic and Cultural Loss of the Coal Industry,” in Simmons, R. & Simpson, K. (eds.) Education, Work and Social Change in Britain’s Former Coalfield Communities Deindustrialization: The Ghost of Coal. Palgrave: Basingstoke, 2022.
- Thompson, Peter. “Making the Human Wreckage Visible: Deindustrialization in Kate Beaton’s Ducks” Routledge Handbook of Deindustrialization Studies. Ed. Tim Strangleman. (under contract)
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Desindustrialización y mito obrero: senderos de la memoria en Porto Marghera (Venecia),” in Rubén Vega, Irene Díaz (eds.), Desindustrialización: memoria, patrimonio y representaciones, 465-479. Ediciones Trea: Asturias-España, 2022.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Introduction” in Silvano Checchin, L’alluminio a Porto Marghera. Appunti per una storia dimenticata, 7-10. Cierre-Fondazione Rinascita: Verona, 2023.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “The Role of Labor Relations in the Process of Deindustrialization in Italy’s Northwest,” in Stefan Berger, Stefano Musso, Christian Wicke (eds), Deindustrialisation in Twentieth-Century Europe: The Northwest of Italy and the Ruhr Region in Comparison, 221-248. Palgrave-Macmillan: 2022.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Clark, Andy and Alistair Fraser. “Damaged hardmen: Organized crime and the half-life of deindustrialization.” The British Journal of Sociology 72, no. 4 (2021): 1062-1076.
- Clark, Andy. “’There is nothing there for us and nothing for the future’: Deindustrialization and workplace occupation, 1981-1982.” Labour History Review 86, no. 1 (2021): 37-61.
- Clark, Andy. “Workplace occupations in British labour history: Rise, fall, and historical legacies.” Labour History Review 86, no. 1 (2021): 1-6.
- Dolata, Petra. “Women and Energy in the Ruhr Area of West Germany, 1950s–1980s.” RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society 2020, no. 1 (2020): 51-55.
- Farrenkopf, Michael and Michael Ganzelewski. “Glück auf! Bergbau sammeln und bewahren in Zeiten des ‘Nachbergbaus.’” Museumskunde. Fachzeitschrift für die Museumswelt 85, no. 2 (2020): 92-97.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “‘… zwischen Tradition und Moderne.’ Das Deutsche Bergbau-Museum Bochum in der ‘Nachbergbauzeit’.” Das Ruhrgebiet neu ausgestellt. 8. Geschichtskonvent Ruhr, 11. Oktober 2019. Forum Geschichtskultur Ruhr 2020, no. 1 (2020), 8-9.
- Gildart, Keith, Andrew Perchard, Ben Curtis and Grace Millar. “Revisiting the history of the British coal industry: the politics of legacy, memory and heritage.” Wased RILAS Journal 8 (2020): 407-411.
- Golombek, Jana. “Geschichte in Schildern. Die Route Industriekultur als Public History?” Forum Geschichtskultur Ruhr 11, no. 1 (2021): 29-31.
- Henry, Marion. “Des coulisses à la scène: la féminisation des brass bands dans les bassins miniers britanniques (1947-1984).” Le Mouvement Social 274 (2021): 119-135.
- High, Steven. “Alessandro Portelli : une vie passée à écouter. Entretien avec Steven High.” Le Mouvement Social 274 (2021): 211-223.
- High, Steven. “Histoire orale et désindustrialisation : recension critique.” Le Mouvement Social 274 (2021).
- High, Steven, Alexandra Mills and Désirée Rochat. “Telling Stories from Montreal’s Negro Community Centre Fonds: The Archives as Community-Engaged Classroom.” Archivaria 89 (Spring 2020): 34-67.
- High, Steven. “The ‘Normalized Quiet of Unseen Power’: Recognizing the Structural Violence of Deindustrialization as Loss.” Urban History Review 48, no. 2 (2021): 97-115.
- High, Steven, Laura Madokoro and Laura Ishuguro. “Loss and the City: A Special Issue,” Urban History Review 48, no. 2 (2021).
- McIvor, Arthur. “Oral Narratives of Labour and Loss in Scottish Mining and Manufacturing.” In “(Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change,” edited by Stefan Moitra and Katarzyna Nogueira, special issue, Bios. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 31, no. 2 (2020): 8-21.
- Moitra, Stefan, George Steve Jaramillo, Melinda Harlov-Csortán and Roberta Garruccio. “Historical Cultures Under Conditions of Deindustrialization Working Group Report.” International Labor and Working-Class History 97 (2020): 180-184.
- Moitra, Stefan and Katatzyna Nogueira, editors. “(Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change,” special issue, Bios. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 31, no. 2 (2020).
- Moitra, Stefan. “Winning or Losing? German Pit Closure and the Ambiguities of Memory.” In “(Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change,” edited by Stefan Moitra and Katarzyna Nogueira, special issue, Bios. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 31, no. 2 (2020): 37-52.
- Nogueira, Katarzyna. “‘Guest Workers’ in Mining. Historicising the Industrial Past in the Ruhr region from the Bottom Up?” In “(Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change,” edited by Stefan Moitra and Katarzyna Nogueira, special issue, Bios. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 31, no. 2 (2020): 81-92.
- MacKenzie, Niall, Andrew Perchard, Christopher Millar and Neil Forbes. “Business-Government relations and national economic models: how do varieties of capitalism develop over time? A review and future research directions in Varieties of Capitalism and beyond.” Business History 63, no. 8 (2021): 1239-1252. DOI:10.1080/00076791.2021.1924687
- Raggi, Pascal. “Die lange Stahlkrise in Lothringen (1974 – 2014).” In Die Strukturkrise an der Saar und ihr langer Schatten, edited by Hans-Christian Hermann, 185-208. St. Ingbert: Conte Verlag, 2020.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Il lavoro nella rivoluzione deindustriale.” Imprese e storia 2021, no. 2. (Forthcoming)
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Deindustrializzazione e industrial heritage. Approcci convergenti alla memoria del passato industriale.” Italia contemporanea 292 (2020): 117-143.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Studiare la fabbrica dopo la città industriale.” La nostra città futura, Fondazione Feltrinelli di Milano. 11 February 2021.
- Andreotti, Beatriz. “Diálogos Possíveis – Intervenções artísticas e remanescentes industriais.” Arte e patrimônio industrial. Série TICCIH-Brasil, Novas perspectivas, vol 3. São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica (2021) : 368.
- Backius, Stefan “Arkivet ska stanna: Hällefors Bruks arkiv och lokalsamhället” Bergslagshistoria 33/2021, Föreningen Bergslagsarkiv (2021): 50-78.
- Burns, Sinead. Upcoming historiographical essay on gender and deindustrialisation co-written with Jackie Clarke (University of Glasgow), Arthur McIvor (University of Strathclyde) and Anna McEwan (University of Glasgow).
- Calori, Anna and Spaskovska, L. A Nonaligned Business World: The Global Socialist Enterprise between Self-Management and Transnational Capitalism. Nationalities Papers 49, 3 (2021): 413-427.
- Calori, Anna and Spaskovska, L. “Reimagining the World: Decolonisation and the Promise of Development.” Contemporary European History 30, 4 (2021): 613-620.
- Calori, Anna. “Bosnia-Herzegovina: Workers’ Organiza-tion at the Root of the 2014 Social Uprising.” If Not Us, Who?: 57.
- Clark, Andy. “Not Our Jobs to Sell: Scottish Women’s Factory Occupations. 1981-1982.” Open University, 13 May 2022.
- Crompton, Tom, Barry MacSweeney, Maggie O’Sullivan. ‘’Poetics of Combination’’ Green Letters, Militant Ecologies (forthcoming).
- Farrenkopf, Michael and Stefan Siemer. “Material Cultures of Mining: Approaches, aspects, and examples.” The Material Cultures of Mining: Object History in the Fields of Knowledge, Technology, Everyday Life, and Memory. Volume 243 in the series Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum. De Gruyter Oldenburg, Berlin/Boston, 2022.
- Farrenkopf. Michael. “Run auf die Objekte!? Das gemeinsame Erforschen und Sammeln von Bergbauobjekten zwischen Plädoyer und Praxis.” The Material Cultures of Mining: Object History in the Fields of Knowledge, Technology, Everyday Life, and Memory. Volume 243 in the series Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum. De Gruyter Oldenburg, Berlin/Boston, 2022.
- Farrenkopf, Michael, Lars Bluma, and Torsten Meyer (ed.) “Boom – Crisis – Heritage: King Coal and the Energy Revolutions after 1945”, Volume 242 in the series Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum. De Gruyter Oldenburg, Berlin/Boston, 2021.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “Short-time rise and decades decline – German hard coal mining after 1945″ in Boom – Crisis – Heritage: King Coal and the Energy Revolutions after 1945, Volume 242 in the series Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum. De Gruyter Oldenburg, Berlin/Boston 2021.
- Farrenkopf, Michael and Stefan Przigoda. “Das visuelle Erbe des deutschen Bergbaus: Zur Bewertung fotografischer Überlieferungen im Montanhistorischen Dokumentationszentrum in Bochum,” Archivar 74, H. 4, 2021: 234-237.
- Ferns, James Patrick. “UK Oral History Interview Archival Inventory,” DePOT Occasional Reports Series. Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time, 2021.
- Fontaine, Marion. “La Politique Des Classes Populaires.” La Revue Germinal, 3, November 2021.
- Garruccio, Roberta. “Fighting Di Classe: Arti Marziali, Guard Labor e Logistica. Nota Su Una Congiuntura Non Ovvia Nel Nord Dell’Italia Post-Industriale.” Il de Martino. Storie, Voci, Suoni. Rivista Dell’Istituto Ernesto de Martino, 32 (2021): 188–203.
- High, Steven. “Oral History as Creative Practice at Concordia University’s Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling.” Sonorités 47 (2021): 108–21.
- High, Steven, and Laura Madokoro. “Loss and the City: An Introduction.” Urban History Review 48, 2 (2021): 7–15.
- High, Steven. “The ‘Normalized Quiet of Unseen Power’: Recognizing the Structural Violence of Deindustrialization as Loss.” Urban History Review 48, 2 (2021): 97–115.
- High, Steven. “Alessandro Portelli: Une Vie Passée à Écouter. Entretien Avec Steven High.” Le Mouvement Social 274 (2021): 211–23. High, Steven. “Histoire Orale et Désindustrialisation : Recension Critique.” Le Mouvement Social, no. 274 (n.d.).
- Hodson, Pete. “Working in Cork: Everyday Life in Irish Steel, Sunbeam Wolsey and the Ford Marina Plant, 1917–2001: By Liam Cullinane, Cork, Cork University Press, 2020, Xvi 304pp., £35.00 (Hardback), Isbn 978-1-78205-413-9.” Women’s History Review 31, 1 (2022): 16466.
- Mah, Alice, L. Feltrin, and D. Brown. “Noxious Deindustrialization: Experiences of Precarity and Pollution in Scotland’s Petrochemical Capital,” Environment and Planning C 40(2), 2022: 950–969.
- Moitra, Stefan “Menschen im Bergbau“ – Perspektiven einer Erfahrungsgeschichte des Steinkohlenbergbaus vom Wiederaufbau zum Förderende” Thomas Schürmann (Ed.): Bergbaukultur in Westfalen – Was bleibt?, Rheinisch-Westfälischen Zeitschrift für Volkskunde 66 (2021): 112-131.
- Morisset, Lucie. “The industrial heritage of ‘company towns’ as a case of glocalization in the Age of discontinuity,” Asian Network on Industrial Heritage Bulletin 7 (December 2021): 13-19.
- Novoa, Magdalena. “Wounded Landscapes: Theorizing Spaces of Exclusion and Oblivion in the Americas.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 82, 2 (June 2022): 141-144.
- Pattison, James. “‘There’s just too many’: The construction of immigration as a social problem”, The British Journal of Sociology 73, 2 (2022): 273-290.
- Pattison, James. “‘The whole of Shirebrook got put on an ASBO’: The production of territorial stigma in a former colliery town,” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 54, 1 (2022): 105-121.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Il deposito deindustriale: Storia e prospettive dei Deindustrialization Studies” Imprese e Storia 44 (2021): 187-201.
- Zazzara, Gilda, “Making Sense of the Industrial Past. Deindustrialisation and Industrial Heritage in Italy,” Italia contemporanea Yearbook 2020, 3 (2020): 155-182.
- Clark, Andy. “‘People just dae wit they can tae get by’: Exploring the half-life of deindustrialisation in a Scottish community.” The Sociological Review 71 (2), 2023.
- Berger, Stefan. “Social Democracy, Democracy and Capitalism,” Moving the Social. Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 67 (2022), pp. 31 – 52.
- Berger, Stefan. “The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and its Appeal to Workers – with Special Reference to the Ruhr Region of Germany,” Totalitarianism and Democracy 19:1 (2022): 47 – 70.
- Berger, Stefan. “Vom Osten lernen? Konzeptionalisierungen von Strukturwandel im Ruhrgebiet im Kontext des deutsch-deutschen Vereinigungsprozesses,” Jahrbuch deutsche Einheit (2022): 229 – 250.
- Bettini, Anna. “Review of Grasso, Marco, From Big Oil to Big Green: Holding the Oil Industry to Account for the Climate Crisis.” H-Environment, H-Net Reviews. December 2022. URL: https://www.h-
- Burrill, Fred. “Deindustrialization, Gender, and Working-Class Militancy in Saint-Henri, Montreal,” Labour/Le Travail 91, 1 (Spring 2023): 89-114.
- Farrenkopf, Michael and Stefan Siemer (eds). Materielle Kulturen des Bergbaus | Material Cultures of Mining. Zugänge, Aspekte und Beispiele | Approaches, aspects and examples. Berlin/Boston 2022: de Gruyter, 2022. (Special issue on material culture and mining history)
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “Gras drüber… Eine Ausstellung zu Bergbau und Umwelt im deutsch- deutschen Vergleich.” Forum Geschichtskultur 1 (2022): 27-33.
- Henry, Marion. “The Cultural Impact of Deindustrialization on Scottish Coalmining Communities and Brass Bands, 1950s-1984,” Scottish Labour History 157 (2022): 139-164.
- Fontaine, Marion. Avec Nathan Cazeneuve (dir.), « La démocratie au travail », dossier, revue Germinal, printemps 2023.
- Fontaine, Marion. « Du paternalisme au Welfare State ? Politiques sociales et nationalisation dans les mines (années 1940 – années 1950) », Revue d’histoire de la protection sociale, vol. 15, no. 1, 2022, pp. 94-112.
- High, Steven. “A Fruitless Exercise? The Political Struggle to Compel Corporations to Justify Factory Closures in Canada” Labor History 63, 3 (2022), 297-315.
- High, Steven. “ ‘With Iron We Conquer’: Deindustrialization, Settler Colonialism, and the Last Train out of Schefferville, Quebec,” Canadian Historical Review 104, 1 (March 2023), 50-75.
- Laframboise, Lauren. “‘La Grève de La Fierté’: Resisting Deindustrialization in Montréal’s Garment Industry, 1977–1983,” Labour / Le Travail 91, no. 1 (2023): 57–88.
- Makin-Waite, Mike. “Red Wall Challenges: Signposts from Burnley,” Progressive Review, IPPR – the Institute for Public Policy Research, Autumn 2022.
- MacKinnon, Lachlan. “Importing the Clairtone Sound: Political Economy, Regionalism, and Deindustrialization in Pictou County,” Labour/Le Travail Spring 2023
- Magaz Molina, Jorge. “Armonización paisajística de las instalaciones de producción energética ¿una polémica recurrente?” Revista PH n. 108, (2023): 125-127.
- Layuno Rosas, Á.; Magaz-Molina, J. Contributions of Social Media to the Recognition, Assessment, Conservation, and Communication of Spanish Post-Industrial Landscapes. Land 12, 2 (2023), 374.
- Montrie, Chad. “What is Labour’s Stake?: Workers and the History of Environmentalism in Alberta,” (manuscript under review for Labour/Le Travail)
- Morisset, Lucie. « Arvida : des maisons porteuses d’histoire, » La Lucarne (hiver 2022- 2023): 14-17.
- Morisset, Lucie. « Patrimoine : de l’industrie au milieu de vie, », Bulletin de l’AQPI, été 2022.
- Novoa, Magdalena. Sletto, B., Novoa, M., & Vasudevan, R. 2023. “History can’t be written without us in the center”: Colonial trauma, the cartographic body, and decolonizing methodologies in urban planning. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 41(1), 148–169.
- Novoa, Magdalena. “Wounded Landscapes: Theorizing Spaces of Exclusion and Oblivion in the Americas.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 81 (2), 2022: 141144.
- Novoa, Magdalena. “Insurgent Heritage: Memory, place-based care and urban citizenships.” International Journal of Urban Research.
- Pattison, James. “‘You don’t go there’: Spatial Strategies of Stigma Negotiation in a Post- industrial Town,” Antipode (May 2023).
- Paül I Agustì, D., Casals-Alsina È. “La protecció del patrimony industriel en àrees de transformació urbana: una revisió a partir del projecte 22@Barcelona.” Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica: 1-24,
- Perrin, Eliot. “Les Dubreuil et le bois: une histoire de Dubreuilville”, Urban History Review 51.1 (Fall 2023): 181-182.
- Perrin, Eliot. “Whose city is it?’: Save Montreal and the Fight for Democratic City Planning”, Urban History Review 51.1 (Fall 2023): 125-152.
- Pozzer, Guilhermo. Memory and Industrial Heritage: The Sampaio, Ferreira & Co. TICCIH Bulletin No. 95, 1st Quarter 2022. ISSN 1605-6647
- Rosa, Brian, 2022. “Deindustrialization Without End: Smokestacks as Postindustrial Monuments.” GeoHumanities 9, 1 (2023): 230-255.
- Strangleman, Tim. “Sociological Futures and the Importance of the Past.” Sociology 57, 2 (2023): 305-314.
- Sbrana, Filipo. “Il Mezzogiorno, la Lega e le questioni territoriali. Uno snodo della storia repubblicana.” Rivista Giuridica del Mezzogiorno 3, 2022: 675-682
- Watson, Katherine. “Heritage-Making in the Capitalocene: Deconstructing Fishing Heritage and Regeneration in an English Fishing Port.” International Journal of Heritage Studies 29, 7 (2023): 711-727. doi:10.1080/13527258.2023.2220329.
- Zazzara, Gilda. Introduction to “La storia orale, come l’etnologia o l’antropologia, ha a che fare con la differenza. Un’intervista di Steven High ad Alessandro Portelli.” Il de Martino 34 (2022): 91-94
- Zazzara, Gilda. “L’inverno scuro del lavoro: cinque poesie di Fabio Franzin.” Il de Martino 33 (2022): 9-28.
Multimedia content (podcasts, documentaries…)
- Clark, Andy. Contribution to community arts documentary film about the Lee Jeans Factory Occupation (1981) and the ways in which it was shaped by local, national, and international deindustrialization. Premiere scheduled for October 2022.
- Ellison-Scowcroft, Gabriel and Indranil Chakraborty. “Invisible Labour w/ Indranil Chakraborty.” January 19, 2022.
- Ellison-Scowcroft, Gabriel and Marion Henry. “The Feminization of Brass Bands in British Mining Communities with Marion Henry.” February 16, 2022.
- Ellison-Scowcraft, Gabriel and Sinead Burns. “Photographs, Affect & Childhood w/ Sinead Burns.” March 16, 2022.
- Fontaine, Marion et Richard Berthollet. La Grande Tueuse. 2022. Online documentary.
- Laframboise, Lauren and Steven High. “Introduction to DéPOT: Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time.” November 2021.
- MacKinnon, Lachlan. Research Nova Scotia Podcast, Deindustrialization and Post-industrial communities, November 2020, Jim Meek. CBC Radio, Mainstreet, “Davis Day 2021,” 11 June 2021.
- Petropoulos, Naomi (host), Rebekah Chatellier, Pete Hodson, and Amber Ward. “Oral History Methodology with Naomi Petropolous, Rebekah Chatellier, Amber Ward & Pete Hodson,” January 7, 2022.
- Whitt, Amanda Marie and Fred Burrill. “Tenant Organizing and Gentrification with Fred Burrill.” April 21, 2022.
- Whitt, Amanda Marie and Tom Fraser. “Canadian Pension Funds with Tom Fraser.” February 2, 2022.
- Whitt, Amanda Marie and Naomi Petropoulos, “Family Matters with Naomi Petropoulos.” March 2, 2022.
- Anastakis, Dimitry. “Bricklin: Automotive Fantasy or Lost Opportunity for Prosperity?”, Outrageous History Podcast, April 27,2022
- Farrenkopft, Michael. „Gras drüber…“ Podcast series. Episodes: “Hambacher Forst: In Baumhäusern gegen den Kohleabbau,” “Renaturierung: Der Mann, der gegen die Mondlandschaften kämpfte,” and “Umweltbewusstsein: Wie wollen wir die Erde den Nächsten hinterlassen?”
- Dolata, Petra. CBC What On Earth podcast, “How to ditch fossil fuels without leaving workers behind,” 30 April 2023
- Dolata, Petra. CBC What On Earth, “Denmark is getting off fossil fuels. Are there lessons for Canada?” 21 May 2023
- Fontaine, Marion. Série radiophonique LSD « Au fond de la mine », mars 2023, France Culture,
- Gillies, William and Fred Burrill, hosts. Lachlan MacKinnon and Sophia Richter. “DePOT 2023 Conference Recap with Lachlan MacKinnon and Sophia Richter.” October 18, 2022. 4e0d
- Hodson, Pete. The Historian’s Cut podcast. What can Brassed Off tell us about deindustrialized communities in Britain? 27 March 2023.
- Petropoulos, Naomi. Podcast – Talking Derry Girls – Episode 62: Shirt Tales Part
- Orange, Hilary. Invited Podcast, ‘A Conversation about Extraction’, recorded on 13 July 2022, with Emma Gilberthorpe, University of East Anglia, UK and Sonia Berriman (artist, UK), part of the Meskla series on Cornish industry and identity.
- Peter Thompson. The Approach, Carleton University Podcast (Episode 10 – discussion of deindustrialization in Nova Scotia)
- Whitt, Amanda Marie (host). Fred Burrill. “Tenant Organizing and Gentrification with Fred Burrill,” Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time podcast, 21 April 2022,
Documentaries and film
- Andy Clark contributed to: Fallen, Chris. Sitting Tight: The Story of the Lee Jeans Sit-In. 2022: Hidden Meaning Productions, film.
- Burrill, Fred. was interviewed as an activist and historian on deindustrialization and gentrification in Montreal: Bougleux, Alberto. The Green Divide: Struggles for Environmental Justice in Europe and North America. 2023: Barcelona, Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability, online interactive documentary:
- Morisset, Lucie. Scénarisation, montage, production vidéo : « Martin Simard, Conserver les maisons d’Arvida », Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine urbain, 2022, 25 min.
- Theo Georget. Intervention dans un documentaire consacré à la désindustrialisation en Lorraine à travers l’œuvre de l’écrivain Nicolas Mathieu, tourné en juin 2022 et diffusé en mai 2023 sur la chaîne “arte”.
Public-facing writing, blogs, and media
Media Coverage
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Josh O’Kane, “Ford deal paves way for electric vehicles,” Globe and Mail, September 22, 2020.
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Greg Kennan, “Honda, Toyota on pace to out-produce Detroit 3 in Canada for first time,” Automotive News (also republished in Automotive News Canada, and various other sources), December 4, 2020.
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Dana Flavelle, “Is the threat to Ford’s Oakville, Ont., assembly plant real?” Automotive News, July 27, 2020.
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Joe O’Connor, “The five billion dollar blue collar man; Unifor leader Jerry Dias swore he would get a new deal for the shuttered GM plant in Oshawa. Others thought the notion ‘delusional’,” National Post (reprinted in The Windsor Star, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette, The Star Phoenix and The London Free Press), November 28, 2020.
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Interviewed on CTV National News (Omar Sachedina) on the Unifor/GM Oshawa announcement, November 5, 2020.
- Clark, Andy. Production advisor and on-screen expert, “The Years That Changed Modern Scotland,” BBC Scotland. Four-part TV documentary.
- Dolata, Petra. Interviewed for Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies.
- Fraser, Tom. “Canadian pension funds driving privatization in Brazil,” Canadian Dimension, September 14, 2021.
- Ferns, James Patrick. Interviewed for “The Years That Changed Modern Scotland,” BBC Scotland, episode 2.
- Golombek, Jana and Olaf Schmidt-Rutsch. A regional journal on heritage conservation has published a project description: “Was bleibt, wenn die Industrie geht?” Industriekultur, Fachzeitschrift für Denkmalpflege, Sozial-, Umwelt- und Technikgeschichte: 48.
- High, Steven. “Ciclo di incontri online ‘Deindustrialization and the politics of our time’ (16 ottobre 2020 – 12 marzo 2021),” Società Italiana di Storia del Lavaro, March 11, 2020.
- High, Steven. Interviewed in Sidhartha Banerjee, “In Montreal’s Little Burgundy, hopes of reviving a hub of the city’s Black community Little Burgundy seeks to preserve Black history.” Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal (also published by Penticton Herald; Montreal Gazette), February 18, 2021.
- High, Steven. Interviewed in Joanne Bayly, “It’s been 72 years since Thomas Falls was killed in custody. His family says it’s time for justice.” CBC News, June 21, 2020.
- High, Steven. Interviewed in Sidhartha Banerjee, “Petite-Bourgogne: des citoyens veulent souligner l’histoire de la communauté noire.” L’actualité, February 18, 2021.
- High, Steven. Interviewed in J. Cohen, “SSHRC awards $2.5M to Concordia-led collaborative research on deindustrialization and the rise of populism.” Concordia News, June 3, 2020.
- High, Steven. Interviewed in Marian Scott, “Truth and myth: Tracing the roots of the October Crisis.” Montreal Gazette, October 4, 2020).
- High, Steven. Interviewed in “Deindustrialization in Canada and Beyond.” Sweater Weather podcast, January 13, 2021.
- High, Steven and Centre des Mémoires Montréalaises. “Visages de notre histoire: Daisy Peterson, source d’inspiration de deux légendes du jazz.” Journal de Montréal, May 2, 2021.
- MacKinnon, Lachlan. Interviewed in “Post-industrial Communities: Researching Our Past to Better Our Future,” Beyond Research Nova Scotia Podcast, March 11, 2021.
- MacKinnon, Lachlan and Jim Meek. “Research That Matters: Deindustrialization.” Saltwire Media, June 2021.
- MacKinnon, Lachlan. “William Davis and Working Class Memory,” CBC Radio, Mainstreet.
- Moitra, Stefan. Interviewed on “Menschen im Bergbau” project for “Research in Germany” newsletter, edited by DAAD/BMBF, September 2020.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Strade di Porto Marghera,” 5-episode radio documentary. Rai Radio 3, March 2021. Reviewed in three local newspapers: Corriere del Veneto, Il Gazzettino di Venezia, and La Nuova Venezia.
- Zazzara, Gilda. Consulted for Umane Tracce, photographic exhibition on the closure and demolition of a small factory in Porto Marghera, June 11, 2021.
Media coverage and Mlog Posts
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Greg Kennan, “Honda, Toyota on pace to out-produce Detroit 3 in Canada for first time,” Automotive News (also republished in Automotive News Canada, and various other sources), 4 December, 2020,
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Joe O’Connor, “The five billion dollar blue collar man; Unifor leader Jerry Dias swore he would get a new deal for the shuttered GM plant in Oshawa. Others thought the notion ‘delusional’”, National Post, 28 November 2020, (reprinted in The Windsor Star, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette, The Star Phoenix and The London Free Press)
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Interviewed on CTV National News (Omar Sachedina) on the Unifor/GM Oshawa announcement, 5 November, 2020.
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Josh O’Kane, “Ford deal paves way for electric vehicles,” Globe and Mail, 22 September, 2020, at
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Dana Flavelle, “Is the threat to Ford’s Oakville, Ont., assembly plant real?” Automotive News, 27 July, 2020,
- Clark, Andy. I spoke at an event commemorating and celebrating working-class resistance. My talk, on factory occupations and deindustrialisation, was the basis of an essay in The Sunday National newspaper – see (paywalled)
- Dolata, Petra. FRIAS newsletter: Faces of FRIAS https://www.frias.uni freiburg.dr/aktuelles/mitteilunger-aktuell/faces-of-frias-petra-dolata
- Fontaine, Marion. “Le socialisme est nu, d’une nudité qui rouvre les chemins que le XXe siècle avait clos.” Le Monde, 12 April 2022.
- Fontaine, Marion. Plusieurs passages à la radio (France Culture) et à la télévision (France 5) sur la thématique de la gauche et en général des effets politiques de la désindustrialisation sur les classes populaires.
- Henry, Marion. “YMHC #6: Organizing musical practice in mining brass bands (1947-84)” Young Mining Historian Corner, Labour in Mining Blog. June 2022.
- High, Steven. W. Kaye Lamb Prize from the Association of Canadian Archivists for best article published in Archivaria for Alexandra Mills, Désirée Rochat, and Steven High, “Telling Stories from Montreal’s Negro Community Centre Fonds: The Archives as Community-Engaged Classroom,” Archivaria 89 (Spring 2020), 34-67. 2021.
- Makin-Waite, Mike. Reviews of the book On Burnley Road, in a range of publications.
- Makin-Waite, Mike. “Burnley: a case study for a lost Labour town.” The Conversation, 17 August 2021.
- Makin-Waite, Mike, ‘Why Burnley Voted for Brexit – and Why it Matters’. Kalmanovitz Initative for Labor and the Working Poor, Georgetown University, 5 April 2021. WCP: Why Burnley Voted for Brexit – and Why It Matters | Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor | Georgetown University
- Makin-Waite, Mike, ‘The politics of belonging’. Centre for Urban Research on Austerity, 12 May 2021.
- Makin-Waite, Mike, ‘Notebooks on Burnley’, Lawrennce and Wishart, 18 May 2021. Notebooks on Burnley – Lawrence Wishart (
- Makin-Waite, Mike, ‘The view from Burnley Road’. Labour Hub, 20 May 2021. The view from Burnley Road – Labour Hub
- MacKinnon, Lachlan. Interviewed in Jim Sleek, “Research Matters: Know your history before it repeats, warns prof who watched Cape Breton in ‘chaos,’” Saltwire, June 2021.
- Moitra, Stefan. Interview for “Lessons for W.Va. in West Germany’s Transition from Coal”, radio feature, West Virginia Public Broadcasting, 20 September 2021 ( mpaign=buffer&fbclid=IwAR060ctBw8z0GFI9jiR_wnYhjF4SA6KmQ2m4djWe_7qqDasNByj9o MQjx38)
- Morisset, Lucie. Prix Robert-Lionel-Séguin de l’Association des propriétaires et amis des maisons anciennes du Québec (APMAQ), 2021
- Morisset, Lucie. « La sauvegarde du patrimoine bâti,» émission Mise à Jour, MaTV, enregistrement le 6 décembre 2021
- Morisset, Lucie. « Les sites du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO », Bien entendu, Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada, 23 juillet 2021.
- Morisset, Lucie. « Le retrait de Liverpool de la Liste des sites du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO », L’Heure du Monde, Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada, 6 août 2021 Entrevue avec JeanBenoît Nadeau sur les enjeux de la sauvegarde du patrimoine au Québec,
- Morisset, Lucie. L’Actualité, 6 avril 2022 : Articles « Faut-il sauver tout le patrimoine? »; « C’est du patrimoine ou pas? »; « Du mordant pour le centenaire du patrimoine ».
- Novoa, Magdalena. . Libreta Negra Mexico, Podcast Cuentame Mas hosted by Dr. Daniel Salinas. 2021. Patrimonios Insurgentes y monumentos incomodos con Magdalena Novoa. [Insurgent heritages and uncomfortable monuments with Magdalena Novoa].
- Orange, Hilary. University press release
- Petropoulos, Naomi. “Honouring the Original Derry Girls – the Resurgence of the Commemoration and Celebration of Shirt Making in Derry, Northern Ireland.” DePOT blog post, 14 September 2021.
- Raggi, Pascal. Participation in a radio programme on France Inter “Bras de fer dans la sidérugie lorraine,”
- Strangleman, Tim. Various press releases associated with the Chatham Docks campaign.
- Toussenot, Pierre. I received a CFDT research award in 2021 for my Ph. D. Thesis defended in 2020.
- Vigna, Xavier. Être ouvrier en France au 20e siècle, RCF, 25 mai 2021
- Vigna, Xavier. Midi magazine, Radio Fréquence Protestante, 1er septembre 2021
Blog posts
- Berger, Stefan. “The Memory of Industrial Pasts and its Role in Remaking (Post)Industrial Landscapes in Global Perspective.” DePOT Blog, March 1, 2023.
- Casian, Clara. “Slag Banks and Acts of Erasure.” DePOT Blog, 25 April 2022.
- Devitt, Liam. “Is the gay steel mill closed? Reflections on queer histories of deindustrializing Cape Breton” Active History June 12, 2023
- Henry, Marion. “YMHC #6: Organising musical practice in mining brass bands (1947-84),” Young Mining Historian Corner, Labour in Mining Blog, June 16, 2022.
- Moitra, Stefan. “Fund des Monats: Der Boxhandschuh der Fraueninitiative Sophia-Jacoba,” Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum and Montanhistorisches Dokumentationszentrum, January 3, 2023:
- Montrie, Chad. “A Half Century of ‘Just Transition,’” Network in Canadian History and Environment, The Otter Blog. April 2023.
- Raggi, Pascal. “Les employés, les ingénieurs et les cadres: sont-ils les travailleurs oubliés des historiens de la désindustrialization?” Blog DéPOT. March 31, 2023.
- Watson, Katherine. “Sea, Sunburn, and Fish & Chips: Reflections on ‘May Day’ in Britain.” DePOT Blog. May 1, 2023.
- Watson, Katherine. “Researching the History and Heritage of Wales’s Small-Scale Fishing Industry.” Swansea University History Department Blog. November 28, 2022.
- Laframboise, Lauren. Series Editor, “The Politics of Deindustrialization in Canada,” Active History, June 2023.
Magazine and newspaper articles
- Anastakis, Dimitry. “Lean Deindustrialization: Fighting the Good Fight in Ontario’s Auto Sector,” Our Times: Canada’s Independent Labour Magazine, (Spring, 2023), 35-6
- Chakraborty, Indranil. “A Broken Promise to Sears Pensioners,” in Our Times, Canada’s Independent Labour Magazine, Spring, 2023.
- Devitt, Liam. “How Quebec workers won – and kept – anti-scab laws”, Briarpatch Magazine, November 1, 2022.
- Dolgoy, Rebecca and Emily Gann. “The Many Meanings of Things,” Our Times, Spring 2023.
- High, Steven. « Le double legs de Jimmy Carter » La Presse (24 February 2023).
- High, Steven. « Allons-nous vers une transition économique juste? » Le Devoir (23 December 2022).
- High, Steven. « Lessons from the Rust Belt about climate change restructuring,” Montreal Gazette (21 December 2022).
- High, Steven. « La crise du logement est l’aboutissement de 35 ans d’échec politique, » Le Devoir (28 October 2022).
- High, Steven. « In Bridge-Bonaventure, let’s not repeat past failures” Montreal Gazette (27 October 2022).
- High, Steven. « La Petite-Bourgogne: bercail de l’industrie et quartier historique multiracial de Montréal,” Bulletin de l’AQPI (Association Québécoise pour le patrimoine industriel) 33, 1 (2022), 6-19.
- High, Steven. TICCIH Bulletin (International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage) 97, 3 (2022), 2-6.
- Laframboise, Lauren. “The Struggle Against Homeworking in Montréal’s Garment Industry,” Our Times: Canada’s Independent Labour Magazine (Spring 2023), 30–31.
- Laframboise, Lauren. Series Editor, “The Politics of Deindustrialization in Canada,” Active History, June 2023.
- Novoa, Magdalena. Nicolás Martínez Ramírez. “Rescatan Historia del Pueblo Minero de Pilpilco.” Diario El Sur. Sunday, June 4 2023.
- Liebregt, Tim and Steven High. “The Spectre of the Runaway Shop.” Our Times: Canada’s Independent Labour Magazine, Spring 2023.
- Trembaly-Boily, Guillaume. “Is Quebec a distinct society when it comes to inequality?” The Monitor. February 28, 2023.
- Tremblay-Boily, Guillaume. “Pierre Beaudet et la revue Mobilisation: une méthode d’enquête originale.” Nouveaux Cahiers du Socialisme 29, 2023. 8 avril 2023.
- Wilson, Gregory. “When Workers Turn to Employee Ownership,” Our Times (Special Issue), Spring 2023,
Media coverage
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Joe O’Connor, “New Flyer, the Canadian Tesla of public transit, looks to turn bus around,” National Post, 9 February, 2023, at
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Irelyne Lavery, “Looking for a used car? Everything to know about Canada’s cooling market,” Global News, 4 February, 2023, at
- Anastakis, Dimitry. Quoted in Tyler, Majer, “Car culture plays a real influence on the collision repair job market,” Collision Repair Magazine, 19 September, 2022, at
- Devitt, Liam. CBC Radio Cape Breton interview on Main Street Cape Breton
- English, Paul. “On the shoulders of giants: Historian leads calls for statues to women who led famous Lee Jeans work-ins.” The Sunday Post, March 14, 2023. Coverage of Andy Clark’s work.
- Georget, Theo. Intervention en compagnie de Pascal Raggi à propos des phénomènes de désindustrialisation de part et d’autres de la frontière franco-luxembourgeoise lors d’un événement organisé à Thil le 02 octobre 2022 dans le cadre du projet MIHAB (Memories, images and history across borders).
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Radio] Radio Ser – Bierzo. (2022/01/24) Molinos y otros elementos de aprovechamiento hidráulico en los ríos del Bierzo (link)
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Radio] Radio Ser – Bierzo. (2022/11/07) El legado del INI, tecnología y arquitectura digna de conservar (link)
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Radio] Radio Ser – Bierzo. (2022/09/05) Fabero, ejemplo de ‘cariño por el patrimonio’ en un congreso internacional (link)
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Radio] Radio Ser – Bierzo. (2023/05/22) Los vestigios mineros del bierzo alto, también en peligro (link)
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Press] Diario de León (2022/02/11) La Uned incoa un expediente de solicitud de BIC para La Recuelga (link)
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Press] Diario de León (2022/09/02) Fabero sirve de ejemplo de recuperación del patrimonio en un congreso en Canadá (link)
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Press] Diario de León (2023/04/30) El último aliento del lavadero de Casares y el desierto legal de la herencia del carbón (link)
- Moitra, Stefan and Michael Farenkopft. Media coverage of the Deutsch-Bergbau Mining Museum exhibition “Let the dust settle… Mining and the environment: a German-German comparison“(“Gras drüber … Bergbau und Umwelt im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich”) got a broad coverage in multiple formats.
- Morisset, Lucie. Entrevue avec Alec Castonguay sur Arvida au patrimoine mondial, Radio-Canada Ici Première, émission Midi info, 8 septembre 2022.
- Morisset, Lucie. Entrevue avec Penelope McQuade sur le patrimoine industriel, Radio-Canada Ici Première, émission Pénélope, 25 août 2022.
- Morisset, Lucie. Entrevue avec Claude Gauvreau, article « Nouveaux regards sur le patrimoine industriel », Actualités UQAM, 22 août 2022.
- Morisset, Lucie. Entrevue avec Franco Nuovo sur Arvida, « l’une des sept merveilles en patrimoine bâti au Québec », Dessine-moi un dimanche, Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada, 12 juin 2022.
- Morisset, Lucie. Entrevue avec Brigitte Trudel sur Arvida (« Les sept merveilles en patrimoine bâti au Québec »), revue Continuité, automne 2022.
- Morisset, Lucie. Entrevue avec Chloé Hudon sur Arvida, TVA Nouvelles, 5 mai 2022. Autres entrevues à l’occasion du lancement de l’ouvrage « Les maisons d’Arvida » et de la conférence « Un habitat de classe mondiale » : émission « C’est jamais pareil », Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada, 5 mai 2022; Carolyne Labrie, « Un livre pour visiter les 88 modèles de maisons d’Arvida », Le Quotidien, 5 mai 2022.
- Novoa, Magdalena. Nicolás Martínez Ramírez. “Rescatan Historia del Pueblo Minero de Pilpilco.” Diario El Sur. Sunday, June 4 2023.
Other outcomes from DePOT members
- Anastakis, Dimitry. “Bricklin.” Growing Pains Podcast with David Campbell (Atlantic Canada Economic Issues), August 27, 2020.
- Anastakis, Dimitry. “Ontario sits on the precipice of cutting edge.” Toronto Star, January 2, 2021.
- Burrill, Fred, and Collectif à Nous la Malting. “Patrimoine populaire ou patrimoine gentrifié? Quel avenir pour la Canada Malting?” Submission to the Consultation sur les ensembles industriels d’intérêt patrimonial, Commission de la culture, le patrimoine et les sports de la Ville de Montréal, May 4, 2021.
- Clark, Andy and Ali Fraser. “Damaged Hardmen: Organized Crime and the Half-life of Deindustrialisation.” Seminar Paper for the University of Kent School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “Was endet?” Leibniz. Das Magazin der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, March 2020: 86-87.
- Fontaine, Marion. Preparation of a documentary (to be released in early 2022) on the mobilisation of former miners around health risks at a time of deindustrialisation.
- High, Steven and Stefan Berger. “Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time Part 2: Towards a Transregional Comparative History of Deindustrialization and the Role of Industrial Heritage Within It.” TICCIH Bulletin 90 (2020).
- High, Steven and Stefan Berger. “Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time, Part I.” TICCIH Bulletin 89 (3rd Quarter 2020): 5f.
- High, Steven. “Donner un sens à la victoire de Trump en 2016.” La Presse, September 5, 2020. First in a six-part series on Trump, Brexit and right-wing populism that I organized that was published that week.
- High, Steven. “Four More Years?” Our Times Magazine, September 2020. High, Steven. “Green Gentrification: Race and Class Exclusion in an Urban National Park.” Network in Canadian History & Environment, October 20, 2020.
- High, Steven. Historical Consultant for Historica Canada Foundation’s “Heritage Minute” for Oscar Peterson. 2020-21.
- High, Steven. “Teaching Oral and Public History Across Disciplines and with Communities (Part 1).” Canadian Historical Association Blog, June 8, 2021.
- High, Steven. “Teaching Oral and Public History Across Disciplines and with Communities (Part 2).” Canadian Historical Association Blog, June 15, 2021.
- High, Steven. “The Assault on Laurentian University: The End of a Working-Class Dream.” Our Times, April 19, 2021.
- High, Steven. “Right-Wing Populism and the Realignment of Working-Class Politics in Canada,” Canadian Dimension, November 2020.
- High, Steven. “With every death, we lose a link to our history.” Montreal Gazette, May 6, 2020.
- Morisset, Lucie K. Pavillon du Parc Central. Analysis and heritage evaluation, City of Saguenay, 2021, 49 p.
- Morisset, Lucie K. Scientific advisor (theme of heritage identity) for the program Quartier de l’innovation, MaTV, autumn 2020.
- Raggi, Pascal. “La mine et la sidérurgie des années 1950 à nos jours.” Participation in the Luxembourg project Esch 2022, development of explanatory notes for video extracts from l’Institut National de l’Audiovisuel.
- Strangleman, Tim. Chatham Docks Economic Impact Report. Report for Chatham Docks employers on fighting closure/ redevelopment of the docks, May 2020.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “The Can-Gatto (Cat-Dog) of Italian Politics.” Our Times, October 8, 2020.
- Zazzara, Gilda. “Populisme, le can-gatto de la politique italienne.” La Presse, September 8, 2020.
- Bigatti, Giorgio. In 2021 ISEC Foundation promoted or participated in numerous study and public history initiatives on the issues of deindustrialization of metropolitan areas and industrial heritage and its valorization. In particular, it organized research on the relationship between leftist municipal administrations in Genoa, Milan and Turin and deindustrialization processes in the three capitals of North West Italy. 12 November and 10 December 2021.
- Bigatti, Giorgio, Reggio E, Spazio G. “Riallestimento di Pausa pranzo. Cibo e lavoro nell’Italia delle fabbriche”, mostra realizzata da Fondazione Isec nel 2015, successivamente allestita a Milano alla Camera del lavoro (2019) e reinterpretata graficamente da Fondazione Dalmine (2019-20). 10 December 2021.
- Dolata, Petra. As part of the international online conference Between Postwar and Present Day: Canada, 1970 – 2000 – Local, National, Global, the Calgary Institute for the Humanities presented a Keynote Lecture by Dr. Steven High (Concordia University). The Webinar Talk entitled “History of the Present Time: The Cohabitation of Memory and History After the Postwar Boom” was followed by Q & A moderated by Dr. Petra Dolata (University of Calgary) and Dr. Nancy Janovicek (University of Calgary). 8 May 2021.
- Georget, Théo. Intervenant lors d’une formation syndicale organisée par le syndicat Sud-Solidaire et intitulé « histoire ouvrière de la Lorraine au 20ème siècle », 7 June 2022.
- MacKinnon, Lachlan. In April 2022, I was invited to Parliament to meet with MPs and Ministers on the subject of my research as part of the Science Meets Parliament programme in conjunction with the Canada Reseach Chairs Program. I spoke with several policymakers about economic development, Just Transition, and Blue Economy matters related to deindustrialized places across Canada.
- Moitra, Stefan. “Menschen im Bergbau – Perspektiven auf Oral History, Industriekultur und Vermittlung“, Online conference of the “Menschen im Bergbau”/”Mining People”-project on the role of oral history in industrial heritage and its didactics, organized by Theresa Hiller, Marcel Mierwald, Stefan Moitra and Katarzyna Nogueira, 7-8 May 2021.
- Moitra, Stefan. “21. Oktober 1967. Der ‘Hexenkessel von Huckarde’,” Protest. Deutschland 1949-2020. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Zeitbilder, Bonn 2021: 182-183.
- Moitra, Stefan. “17. Oktober 1991. Untertagestreik,” Protest. Deutschland 1949-2020. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Zeitbilder, Bonn 2021: 320-321.
- Moitra, Stefan. “14. Februar 1997. Band der Solidarität”, Protest. Deutschland 1949-2020. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Zeitbilder, Bonn 2021: 334-335.
- Morisset, Lucie. “Les maisons d’Arvida.” Saguenay/Patrimonium, 2022.
- Morisset, Lucie. “Mémoire de l’AQPI sur le patrimoine industriel”, Le patrimoine industriel montréalais : vers des outils de conservation et de mise en valeur des ensembles d’intérêt, Commission permanente sur la culture, le patrimoine et les sports de la Ville de Montréal, September 2021 (mémoire présenté et déposé).
- Morisset, Lucie. “Arvida: le projet patrimonial” Les capsules du patrimoine urbain, Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine urbain, 2021
- Petropoulos, Naomi. Research featured in project brief and information pack to artists tendering for Derry City and Strabane District Council’s upcoming sculpture commemorating the shirt making industry of Derry.
- Pozzer, Guilherme. Artistic approaches to Industrial heritage: 2021. Finalist on the II International Short Story Contest on Industrial Heritage organised by INCUNA (Industria, Cultura y Naturaleza – Spain) with two short stories (“Depois do silêncio” and “Almas em ruínas”) published in the book “Patrimonio con gusto. Relatos y fotografías del Patrimonio Industrial”, Areces, Miguel Ángel Álvarez. (Org.); Gijón: CICEES, 2021.
- Raggi, Pascal. Drafting of 6 notices for the project “Au fil de l’Alzette. Territoires et destins partagés” in the framework of Esch 2022 European Capital of Culture (link below)
- Rhodes, James. Draft literature review/report on race, deindustrialization and populism (presented at project meeting in April 2022 and written with Marion Fontaine, Stefan Moitra, Mike Makin-Waite, and Roberta Garrucio.
- Strangleman, Tim. “Chatham Docks: Economic Impact Report, in Chatham Docks: After four centuries, how bright is the future for one of Britain’s most historic ports?” Report for Association of Chatham Docks Commercial Operator. Arcelor Mittal, Chatham, 2021.
- Zazzara, Gilda. Organizing committe member. “LabOral, Storia Orale Del Lavoro (Oral History of Labour)” Pistoia-Firenze, 25-26 November 2021.
- Burrill, Fred. Travailler et habiter le “Smokey Valley”: Le patrimoine industriel et ouvrier du Sud-Ouest de Montréal (December 2022). Historical exhibit on industrial and working-class history at the public library in Saint-Henri, Montreal, featuring industrial artefacts from the personal collections of neighbourhood residents and oral histories of former workers. I was one of three people who put this together, as a member of the broader À Nous la Malting collective – a coalition of St-Henri residents and community groups working to convert the abandoned Canada Malting factory into social housing and an industrial heritage museum.
- Casian, Clara. Collaboration in « Montreal Waterways » group, as part of Concordia Ethnography Lab, led by Dr Kregg Hetherington.
- Farrenkopf, Michael. “Let the dust settle… Mining and the environment: a German-German comparison“ (“Gras drüber… Bergbau und Umwelt im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich”), Exhibition at Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, 11 June 2022 – 15 January 2023.
- Magaz-Molina J., Layuno Rosas, M. A., Diego Ruiz, P. de (2022) [Poster – Science Week] ” Energy transition and industrial heritage. Cartography and landscape of Franco’s industry. The energy sector ” Poster Exhibition held on the Science and Innovation Week 2022 promoted by UAH & Madri+d Knowledge Foundation. Universtiy of Alcalá (2022/11/14 to 18).
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Heritage listing] “Motivation study for the proposal to declare La Recuelga coal mining washeries as an Asset of Cultural Interest. Santa Cruz del Sil, Páramo del Sil”. Technical Annex attached to the application for the initiation of the procedure for the declaration of BIC submitted in 2022/02/14 by the Consorcio UNED de Ponferrada, Instituto de Estudios Bercianos and Asociación Cultural Ferroviaria Berciana. (Link) Application approved by the regional administration on 2023/01/04.
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Heritage listing] MAGAZ MOLINA, Jorge. “Motivation study for the proposal to declare the distinctive elements of the Compostilla II thermal power station as an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC)”. Technical Annex attached to the application for the initiation of the procedure for the declaration of BIC submitted by the citizens’ platform Bierzo Ya – (File 2262521 -2022/11/09). Rejected by the regional administration.
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Inventory survey] MAGAZ MOLINA, Jorge (2023/01/18). “Refrigeration towers and chimneys of Compostilla II power station”. Hispania Nostra: Red List of endangered Spanish Heritage
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Inventory survey] MAGAZ MOLINA, Jorge (2022/03/24). Mining- industrial complex of the Recuelga Coal Mining Preparation Plant” Hispania Nostra: Red List of endangered Spanish Heritage
- Magaz Molina, Jorge [Inventory survey] MAGAZ MOLINA, Jorge (2022/03/24). “Mining- industrial complex of Victoriano González’s Coal Mining Preparation Plant”. Hispania Nostra: Red List of endangered Spanish Heritage
- Morisset, Lucie. Organisation du congrès de TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage), “Industrial Heritage Reloaded”/”Le patrimoine industriel rechargé », ±400 participants, budget de 220 000$, 28 aiût-3 septembre 2022.
- Novoa, Magdalena. Stitching memories as counter-maps: Using arpillera urbana to reconstruct the history and landscape of Pilpilco, Chile. December 2022 to the present. (funded by the Whiting Foundation)
- Rosa, Brian. Obeliscs Industrials (Industrial Obelisks) Solo photography exhibition, methodological experiment, and events series at the MUHBA (The History Museum of Barcelona), inaugural exhibition of the MUHBA Museum Laboratory. Incorporated into Model: Barcelona Architecture Festival, April-August 2022.
- Whitt, Amanda. Led a roundtable for the DePOT Gender initiative about oral history interview recruitment. Deindustrialization /DePOT related graduate theses and dissertations