Inventari archivistici di interviste di storia orale

Questi report mettono insieme raccolte di interviste di storia orale relative alla deindustrializzazione nelle principali are di studio del progetto DePOT. A tal fine, riuniscono materiale proveniente da librerie, archivi, musei e istituzioni educative, e hanno come obiettivo quello di supportare la ricerca sulle esperienze vissute durante la deindustrializzazione, oltre a incoraggiare l’utilizzo di raccolte di storia orale esistenti nella ricerca futura. Queste risorse sono a disposizione di chiunque voglia utilizzarle nell’insegnamento, la ricerca e qualsiasi altro contesto ritenuto rilevante. Possono essere scaricate gratuitamente ai seguenti link.

Ferns, James Patrick. “UK Oral History Interview Archival Inventory,” DePOT Occasional Reports Series. Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time, 2021.

Ellison-Scowcroft, Gabriel. “US Oral History Interview Archival Inventory,” DePOT Occasional Reports Series. Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time, 2021. COHDS-Inventory-Series-2_US-Oral-History-Archives


Anastakis, Dimitry. 2007. “Industrial Sunrise? The Chrysler Bailout, the State, and the Re-Industrialization of the Canadian Automotive Sector, 1975-1986.” Urban History Review 35 (2): 37–50.
Anastakis, Dimitry. 2018. “Access to Markets, Investment, Continentalization and Competitiveness: The Evolution of the Canadian Auto Sector.” In Industries and Competition: A History of Business Beyond Borders, 47–68. London: Routledge.
Anastakis, Dimitry. 2005. Auto Pact: Creating a Borderless North American Auto Industry, 1960-1971. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Anastakis, Dimitry. 2013. Autonomous State: The Struggle for a Canadian Car Industry. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Anastakis, Dimitry. 2018. “A Neoliberal Pause? The Political Economy of the Automotive Industry in Ontario.” In Divided Province: Ontario Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism, edited by Greg Albo and Robert McDiarmid, 103–29. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Anastakis, Dimitry. 2016. “Building up in a Transnational Economic Region as a Result of Selective Globalization.” In Global Business History: Industrial Dynamism beyond Borders, edited by Takeo Kikkawa, Takafumi Kurosawa, and Nishimura Shigehiro, 133–55. Nagoya, Japan: Nagoya University Press.
Berger, Stefan. 2020. Constructing Industrial Pasts: Heritage, Historical Culture and Identity in Regions Undergoing Structural Economic Transformation. New York, NY: Berghahn Books.
Berger, Stefan. 2019. “Ankerpunkt regionaler Identität: Erinnerungsort Industriekultur.” In Zeit-Räume Ruhr: Erinnerungsorte des Ruhrgebiets, edited by Stefan Berger, Ulrich Borsdorf, Ludger Classen, Heinrich Theodor Grütter, and Dieter Nellen, 500–516. Essen: Karltext.
Berger, Stefan. 2018. “Regions of Heavy Industry and Their Heritage – between Identity Politics and ‘Touristification’: Where to Next?” In Industrial Heritage and Regional Identities, edited by Christian Wicke, Stefan Berger, and Jana Golombek, 214–35. London: Routledge.
Berger, Stefan, Christian Wicke, and Jana Golombek, eds. 2018. Industrial Heritage and Regional Identities. London: Routledge.
Berger, Stefan, Christian Wicke, and Jana Golombek. 2017. “Deindustrialization, Heritage and Representations of Identity.” The Public Historian 39 (4).
Berger, Stefan, Maier Helmut, Daniel Schmidt, Stefan Goch, and Jens Adamski, eds. 2020. Kultur Und Bildung Wissenschaft Im Ruhrgebiet Zwischen Hochindustrialisierung Und Wissensgesellschaft. Essen: Karltext.
Berger, Stefan, Jana Golombek, and Christian Wicke. 2018. “A Post-Industrial Mindscape? The Mainstreaming and Touristification of Industrial Heritage in the Ruhr.” In Industrial Heritage and Regional Identities, edited by Stefan Berger, Jana Golombek, and Christian Wicke, 74–94. New York, NY.
Burrill, Fred. 2021. “History, Memory, and Struggle in Saint-Henri, Montreal.” PhD Dissertation, Montreal: Concordia.
Clark, Andy. 2017. “‘Stealing Our Identity and Taking It over to Ireland’: Deindustrialization, Resistance, and Gender in Scotland.” In The Deindustrialized World: Confronting Ruination in Postindustrial Places, edited by Steven High, Andrew Perchard, and Lachlan MacKinnon, 331–47. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Clarke, Jackie. 2015. “Closing Time: Deindustrialization and Nostalgia in Contemporary France.” History Workshop Journal 79 (1): 107–25.
Clarke, Jackie. 2017. “Afterlives of a Factory: Memory, Place and Space in Alençon.” In The Deindustrialized World: Confronting Ruination in Post-Industrial Places, edited by Steven High, Lachlan MacKinnon, and Andrew Perchard. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Clarke, Jackie. 2018. “The Récit de Filiation Ouvrière and the Unfinished Business of Fordism in Twenty-First-Century France.” Modern and Contemporary France 26 (3): 261–73.
Clarke, Jackie. 2011. “Closing Moulinex: Thoughts on the Visibility and Invisibility of Industrial Labour in Contemporary France.” Modern & Contemporary France 19 (4): 443–58.
Dolata-Kreutzkamp, Petra. 2021. “Complex Agency in the Great Acceleration: Women and Energy Transition in the Ruhr Area after 1945.” In A New Light: Histories of Women and Energy, edited by Abigail Harrison Moore and Ruth Sandwell. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Dolata-Kreutzkamp, Petra. 2006. Die deutsche Kohlenkrise im nationalen und transatlantischen Kontext. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Dolata-Kreutzkamp, Petra, and Karen Sayer. 2020. “Women and Energy in the Ruhr Area of West Germany, 1950s–1980s.” RCC Perspectives, no. 1: 50–55.
Farrenkopf, Michael. 2013. “Wiederaufstieg und Niedergang des Bergbaus in der Bundesrepublik.” In Die Rohstoffgewinnung im Strukturwandel. Der deutsche Bergbau im 20. Jahrhundert. Geschichte des deutschen Bergbaus, Vol 4, edited by Dieter Ziegler, 4:183–302. Münster: Aschendorff.
Farrenkopf, Michael, and Stefan Siemer, eds. 2020. Perspektiven Des Bergbauerbes Im Museum. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Farrenkopf, Michael, Stefan Goch, Manfred Rasch, and Hans-Werner Wehling, eds. 2019. Die Stadt der Städte. Das Ruhrgebiet und seine Umbrüche. Essen: Karltext.
Ferns, James. 2020. “'The Iron Lady? She Devastated the Country’: Former Scottish Steelworkers Narratives of Unions, Community, and Thatcherism.” In Thatcherism in the 21st Century: The Social and Cultural Legacy, edited by Antony Mullen, Stephen Farrall, and David Jeffery. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Fontaine, Marion. 2018. “Regional Identity and Industrial Heritage in the Mining Area in the North of France.” In Industrial Heritage, Historical Culture and Regional Identity in Regions/Cities Undergoing Structural Transformation, edited by Stefan Berger and Jana Golombek, 56–73. London: Routledge.
Fontaine, Marion. 2019. “From Myth to Stigma? The Political Uses of Mining Identity in the North of France.” Labor: Studies in Working Class History 16 (1): 65–80.
Fontaine, Marion. 2019. “Moderniser, convertir… désindustrialiser ? 20&21.” Revue d’histoire 144 (4): 81–96.
Fontaine, Marion. 2021. “La Politique Des Classes Populaires.” La Revue Germinal, no. 3 (November).
Fontaine, Marion, and Xavier Vigna. 2019. “La désindustrialisation, une histoire en cours. 20&21.” Revue d’histoire 4 (144): 2–17.
Fraser, Alistair, and Andy Clark. 2021. “Damaged Hardmen: Organized Crime and the Half‐life of Deindustrialization.” British Journal of Sociology 72 (4): 1062–76.
Garruccio, Roberta. 2020. “Le rovine industriali. Note sulla storia lunga di una fascinazione culturale nuova.” La questione romantica. Rivista interdiciplinare di studi romantici 12 (1–2).
Garruccio, Roberta. 2021. “Fighting Di Classe: Arti Marziali, Guard Labor e Logistica. Nota Su Una Congiuntura Non Ovvia Nel Nord Dell’Italia Post-Industriale.” Il de Martino. Storie, Voci, Suoni. Rivista Dell’Istituto Ernesto de Martino, no. 32: 188–203.
Garruccio, Roberta, and Sara Zanisi. 2018. “Il Polline e la ruggine: memoria, lavoro, deindustrializzazione a Sesto San Giovanni: Un documentario e un progetto di ricerca tra storia orale, etnografia e storia pubblica.” Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi 2.
Garruccio, Roberta, and Gilda Zazzara. 2018. “La rivoluzione deindustriale.” Passato e Presente 105: 177–203.
Garruccio, Roberta, Francesco Novara, and Renato Rozzi, eds. 2005. Uomini e lavoro alla Olivetti. Milano: Bruno Mondadori.
Gildart, Keith, ed. 2014. Youth Culture, Popular Music and the End of ‘Consensus.’ London: Routledge.
Gildart, Keith, ed. 2016. Youth Acts: Riots, Rucks and Rock ‘n’ Roll. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gildart, Keith, and Stephen Catterall. 2020. Keeping the Faith: A History of Northern Soul. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Gildart, Keith, Andrew Perchard, Ben Curtis, and Grace Millar. 2020. “Revisiting the History of the British Coal Industry: The Politics of Legacy, Memory and Heritage.” Waseda RILAS Journal 8: 407–11.
Golombek, Jana. 2020. “Harte Arbeit und sanfte Nüstern – Pferde und Menschen in Westfalen.” In Boten, Helfer und Gefährten. Beziehungen von Mensch und Tier im Wandel, 75–92. Essen.
Golombek, Jana. 2020. “Performing Heritage – Urban Exploration und Rust Belt Chic als jüngere Phänomene einer authentischen Industriekultur im amerikanischen Rust Belt.” In Authentizität und industriekulturelles Erbe, edited by Michael Farrenkopf and Torsten Meyer, 105–30. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Golombek, Jana, and Jana Flieshart, eds. 2018. RevierGestalten. Von Orten Und Menschen. Essen.
Golombek, Jana, and Cordula Obergassel. 2018. “Von freien Räumen zu Freiräumen – Alternativ- und Soziokultur als Formen der Umnutzung.” In RevierGestalten. Von Orten und Menschen, edited by Jana Golombek and Jana Flieshart, 60 – 75. Essen.
Hammond, Cynthia. 2018. “The Keystone of the Neighbourhood: Gender, Collective Action, and Working-Class Heritage Strategy in Pointe-Saint-Charles, Montréal.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études Canadiennes 52 (1): 108–48.
High, Steven. 2007. “The Politics and Memory of Deindustrialization in Canada.” Urban History Review 53 (2).
High, Steven. 2003. Industrial Sunset: The Making of North America’s Rust Belt. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
High, Steven. 2019. “The Emotional Fallout of Deindustrialization in Detroit.” Labor 16 (1): 127–49.
High, Steven. 2018. One Job Town: Work, Belonging and Betrayal in Northern Ontario. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.