I am PhD student in Modern History at the University of St Andrews in Fife, Scotland. My thesis studies how deindustrialization in Central Fife intersected with broader changes in culture, mentalities and social life. I conduct oral history interviews with community groups to consider a wide range of perspectives, including those from migrant, gendered, and LGBTQ+ groups. I’m interested in applying alternative methodologies to understand the period of deindustrialization, especially post-structuralist, Marxist feminist and decolonizing lenses. Before my PhD I completed undergraduate (2018) and masters’ (2019) degrees in Modern History at the University of St Andrews. 

Project Statement:  A cultural history of deindustrialization in Central Fife, Scotland, 1930s–1990s.  

Supervised by Dr Malcolm Petrie (St Andrews), Prof Jim Phillips (Glasgow) and Dr Ewan Gibbs (Glasgow). Fully funded by the Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities (AHRC) research council Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP).