
Join his former students and colleagues to celebrate the career of Tim Strangleman, DePOT co-founder and author of many books on the sociology of deindustrialization. Wednesday February 12 (9:30AM Eastern Time). Register on Eventbrite to get the Zoom link and receive reminder emails ahead of the roundtable! Sherry Lee Linkon, Georgetown University Jefferson Cowie, Vanderbilt University […]




View the event recording here What happens to workers’ parties when work dries up? Deindustrialization has presented a profound challenge to parties of the left and centre-left, with their traditional base in the trade union movement becoming increasingly precarious. In this roundtable, DePOT affiliates will explore how deindustrialization affected the political left, how parties and […]




  Brexit and the 2016 US presidential election threw “populism” into the spotlight. Populism, from both the left (Jean-Luc Melenchon, Bernie Sanders) and the right (Marine Le Pen, Donald Trump) has come to define the politics of deindustrializing societies. How do we make sense of this groundswell? Join DePOT as we explore populism and deindustrialization.   […]




Following the 2016 US presidential election, much ink has been spilled on the topic of the “white working class.” Conjured as the face of the US Rust Belt, whiteness has become synonymous with the “left behind” of deindustrialization, whereas figures of the “migrant” are operationalized to inflict blame. How then, have racialized communites been affected […]




In Canada, the United States, Australia, and other settler colonies, the dispossession of Indigenous land is integral to histories of industrialization. Resource industries like forestry, mining and oil are inextricably tied to the exploitation of Indigenous peoples. How then, do scholars of deindustrialization respond, when the “good jobs” lost during industrial closure were directly implicated […]


Gender, Family, and Deindustrialization — DePOT annual conference

Strathclyde University 40 George St (Graham Hills Building), Glasgow

In deindustrialization studies, representations of industrial closures have often dwelled on the ways that masculinity is threatened or reconfigured through the experience of job loss and on the erosion of collective ties and spaces linked to the world of work. Conversely, women have appeared only on the fringes of the literature on deindustrialization, sometimes in their capacities as […]

Depot Summer Institute: Difficult histories of gender and community

Queen's University Belfast

DePOT Summer Institutes bring together graduate students and postdoctoral fellows as well as select faculty and partners to workshop their latest research in a small supportive setting. Summer Institutes are timed to occur on the eve of the project’s thematic workshops and assembly in order to encourage participants to attend these as well. It is […]

Seeing from the South: Deindustrialization in Latin America and the Caribbean


This roundtable gathers scholars and practitioners from Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss the region's experiences and processes of deindustrialization. The panel discussion will examine various topics linked to deindustrialization, including industrial heritage, environmental waste, gender, political participation, and everyday life, among other issues. Register on Google Forms to get the Zoom link and receive […]

Roundtable: Deindustrializing Workers and Places


Deindustrializing Workers and Places Friday March 29th at 9:30am (EST) Join us as six DePOT-affiliated researchers share their work on the deindustrializing places and people they study across six different industrial and regional contexts. The event is free, but registration is required to get the Zoom link. Chair: Greg Wilson, University of Akron Speakers: Amber […]

Labour in the shadows: A cultural event and walking tour of Chabanel district in Montreal

Labour in the shadows: A cultural event and walking tour of Chabanel district in Montreal Time: Sunday, March 17, 2024: 1pm, sharp! Location: Ateliers Belleville, 545 Legendre Ouest, Suite 109 Please register by emailing Stefan at: You are invited to a community walking tour in Montréal’s garment district (Cité de la Mode) that will […]

Roundtable: De-Industrial Heritage


What does deindustrialization studies have to offer heritage studies—and what can scholars of deindustrialization learn from the world of heritage? Six DePOT student, postdoctoral, and research affiliates share their research on de-industrial heritage. Register on Google Forms to get the Zoom link and receive reminder emails ahead of the roundtable! Chair: Steven High Presenters:  Brian Rosa, […]

Roundtable: The Political Economy of Deindustrialization


The Political Economy of Deindustrialization Join us for a roundtable on The Political Economy of Deindustrialization, which will showcase the political economy section of the forthcoming Routledge International Handbook on Deindustrialization Studies, edited by Tim Strangleman. Chairperson: Steven High, Concordia University Moderators:  Fred Burrill (Cape Breton University) and Matthew Penney (Concordia University), “Bringing Marxian Political […]


The Thorncliffe-Elsecar Tramway: Documentary Screening and Q&A with Joshua Daniels and Lucie Morisset

Join DePOT for a digital screening of Joshua Daniels's film "The Thorncliffe-Elsecar Tramway," followed by a Q&A with Joshua moderated by Lucie Morisset. The documentary follows the route of the now-lost Thorncliffe-Elsecar Tramway in South Yorkshire, covering the history, route and importance of the tramway track, as well as the key historic sites along the […]


DePOT Annual Conference: The Politics of Industrial Closure

Cape Breton University 1250 Grand Lake Road, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Le français suit: The DePOT Politics of Industrial Closure conference will focus primarily on the “how” and “why” of mine, mill and factory closings, the wider restructuring of the international division of labour, as well as the societal debates about the nature of economic change. Political economy concerns are therefore central as are studies focusing […]


Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in South Asia: Enclaves of Inequality, Precarity, and Prosperity


Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in South Asia: Enclaves of Inequality, Precarity, and Prosperity South Asia experienced one of the fastest growths in the global economic space before the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020. The uneven and combined development of the region’s nation-states created an offshore service market for the developed North. This seamlessly established the capital […]

Deindustrializing Eastern Europe


After the collapse of Communism in East Central and Eastern Europe, most countries transitioned rapidly to liberal capitalist regimes. This transition process was often characterized by neoliberal strategies for transitioning which resulted in accelerated processes of deindustrialization, as many of the industries that operated under Communism either were not profitable under capitalist market conditions or […]


New Approaches to Deindustrialization Studies


The DePOT partnership continues to grow as faculty and PhD students affiliate with the project. These new team members enable the project to make wider geographic connections as well as deepen our research in our core study area of six countries. This virtual roundtable showcases some of their work-in-progress.


Where did all the jobs go? A CIH and DePOT Roundtable

Where did all the jobs go? What the history of deindustrialization can tell us about working-class survival in the face of economic change In the midst of global ecological crisis, working-class communities formed around resource extractive industries face an uncertain future. What lessons can be learned from the experience of diverse working-class areas across Canada […]

Nostalgia – a reassessment in the era of austerity


This roundtable brings together scholars to focus on the role, and representation, of nostalgia in deindustrialisation studies. In their paradigm shifting piece, Cowie and Heathcott (2003) urged us to 'move beyond' smokestack nostalgia and tales of victimisation through closure. However, 20 years later, this perspective requires revisiting. Across the deindustrialising world, areas formerly built-up around industry continue to suffer from multiple deprivations in: crime; poverty; poor environment; addiction; unemployment; poor health, and more. In this roundtable, we consider how a reassessment of nostalgic reflections, and their meanings, can contribute to our understandings of experience in deindustrialisation's half-life across generations. Taken together, they offer fresh insights into how we can reconnect the history of deindustrialisation with the contemporary experience of those communities worst impacted.

Chairs/Organisers: Dr Hilary Orange (Swansea University) and Dr Andy Clark (Newcastle University)

Andy Clark, Newcastle University
Fred Burrill, Cape Breton University
Jackie Clarke, University of Glasgow
Sinead Burns, Queen’s University Belfast
Stefan Berger, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
Magdalena Novoa, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Ewan Gibbs, University of Glasgow


Book Launch: Deindustrializing Montreal by Steven High

Les Sans-Taverne - Coop et Brasserie Artisanale 1900 Rue le Ber, Montréal, QC, Canada

Join us for the launch of Steven High's new book, Deindustrializing Montreal: Entangled Histories of Race, Residence, and Class. The event will be held at Batiment 7’s Les Sans Taverne (1900 rue Le Ber) in Pointe-Saint-Charles, 28 August from 1pm to 3pm. Hope to see you there!

Transnationalizing Deindustrialization Studies Conference

Transnationalizing Deindustrialization Studies: Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time (DePOT) 2022 Conference August 17-20, 2022, beginning at 9am (GMT+2/Berlin Time) The program for DePOT’s Transnationalizing Deindustrialization Studies conference is now available. The inter-disciplinary conference will be taking place in the Ruhr in Germany from August 17-20. All are welcome to attend, and registration is […]


This roundtable brings together researchers that study deindustrialization in Italy, beyond the traditional heartlands of industry.

La désindustrialisation en France

La désindustrialisation en France    Register here.    January 28, 2022 – 9am EST (3pm CET)      The study of deindustrialization in France is flourishing with new books, special issues, and dissertations coming out regularly. The DePOT panel will consider this new scholarship and situate it within the transnational field. The panel will be in French but many of the presentations […]


This final session in our Rethinking Deindustrialization Studies roundtable series brings curatorial and archival knowledge into the conversation.


The second of two sessions aimed at expanding the geographic imaginary of deindustrialization studies from the old industrial heartlands of Western Europe and North America.


The first of two sessions aimed at expanding the geographic imaginary of deindustrialization studies from the old industrial heartlands of Western Europe and North America.

New Perspectives on Deindustrialization (Part 2)

The Deindustrialization & the Politics of Our Time (DePOT) project has organized a two-part Round-Table Series that invites recent authors of books and special issues on deindustrialization to speak to their major findings and what their overall intervention is to the field. The panelists include leading scholars across the humanities and social sciences in North […]

New Perspectives on Deindustrialization (Part 1)

  The Deindustrialization & the Politics of Our Time (DePOT) project has organized a two-part Round-Table Series that invites recent authors of books and special issues on deindustrialization to speak to their major findings and what their overall intervention is to the field. The panelists include leading scholars across the humanities and social sciences in […]

History and Memory in Gentrifying St-Henri

Saint-Henri, a working-class neighbourhood in the Southwest of Montreal, was once at the heart of industrial capitalism in Canada. Brutal processes of deindustrialization and gentrification have created multiple historical layers of displacement and resistance, the traces of which are imprinted in popular memory. Over the course of the last few months, undergraduate History students at […]

Populism / populisme/ Populismo / Populismus

Chairperson:  Stefan Berger (or Steven High) Other Presenters: James Rhodes, Gilda Zazzara, Marion Fontaine, Stefan Moitra, Sean O’Connell, Greg Wilson. Populism is probably the most important keyword that our research project will be chewing on over the next seven years. The panel will consider its emergence in different national contexts, its relationship to deindustrialization, what […]

Moral Economy / économie morale / Sozialverträglichkeit

Chairperson: Keith Gildart Other Presenters: Tim Strangleman, Stefan Moitra, Lachlan MacKinnon, Marion Fontaine, Andy Perchard, Pascal Raggi. Developed originally by labour historian E.P. Thompson in relation to the ways that popular feeling placed informal moral (or political) limits on the price of bread in the 17th and 18th centuries, the concept has been increasingly deployed […]

Greening / Industrienatur / Ecologizzazione / verdissage

Chairperson: Petra Dolata Other Presenters: Alice Mah, Jana Golombek, Greg Wilson, Steven High, Lucie Morisset, Lauren Laframboise. This workshop considers the ways that deindustrialization gets entangled with the language of environmentalism in different contexts, including how deindustrialized areas get “regenerated,” former industrial buildings “recycled,” and new-build manufacturing gets located on “greenfield sites.”  The German concept […]

Brownfield / friche industrielle/ Industriebrache / Area dismessa

Chairperson: Lachlan MacKinnon Other Presenters: Jana Golombek, James Rhodes, Steven High, Keith Gildart , Sean O’Connell, Andrew Perchard. By examining the meaning and significance of “brownfield” in different national contexts we will consider the territorial stigmatization of industrial lands but also the ways that residential areas get stigmatized by industry and its loss. Popular culture […]

Ruination / Verfall / Rovine / ruine et perte

Chairperson: Alice Mah Other Presenters: Arthur McIvor, Roberta Garruccio, Fred Burrill, Rebecca Dolgoy, and Olaf Schmidt-Rutsch Fundamentally, deindustrialization is a process of physical and social ruination as well as part of a wider political project that leaves working-class communities impoverished and demoralized. This workshop will examine the concept of ruination in different national contexts, what […]

Deindustrialization / Deindustrializzazione / Désindustrialisation / Deindustrialisation / Deindustrialisierung

Chairperson: Gilda Zazzara Other Presenters: Tim Strangleman, Xavier Vigna, Stefan Berger, Jackie Clarke, Dimitry Anastakis, Steven High. This workshop considers the emergence of deindustrialization as a core concept in academic scholarship and more widely in different national contexts, its evolving politics, and other adjacent or intersecting concepts such as the German idea of Strukturwandel. […]