The Heritage and/in deindustrialization initiative examines the unfolding relationship between industrial heritage sites and the working-class areas that often adjoin them, with the goal of understanding how the socio-economic and political impact of recognizing the industrial past affects the present. The transnational flow of industrial heritage ideas will also be considered. Can industrial heritage support those ‘left behind’ in deindustrialized areas where nothing (or very little) has filled the economic or cultural vacuum? How has the transnational flow of industrial heritage ideas influenced site interpretation, culture-led redevelopment schemes, and official heritage discourse in Western Europe and North America?
- Katherine Watson
- Seana Irvine
- Rebekah Chatellier
- Andy Clark
- Tom Fraser
- Sahar Ghasemshahi
- Katarzyna Nogueira
- Laurent Sauvage
- Constanze von Wrangel
- Stefan Backius
- Pete Hodson
- Alex Hubert
- Beatriz Andreotti
- Juliette Passilly
- Shonagh Joice
- David Nettleingham
- Myriam Guillemette
- Thomas Baker
- Eliot Perrin
- Ruth Barton
- Guilherme Pozzer
- Èlia Casals-Alsina
- Michael Bianchi
- Brian Rosa
- Jorge Magaz-Molina
- Manuela Vinai
- Adna Camdzic
- Rose Steele
- David Sobel
- Victoria Allen
- Daniela Morales
- Laura Littlefair
- Esperanza Rock
- Jennifer Vanderpool
- Christine Walley
- Marta Chmielewska